Chakushin Ari [着信あり] Rating: 8/10 (Watched) Watched in on cable tv this summer, but it wasn't as freaky as the movie edition. Although the plots and the story are somewhat different compared to the movies, it can be quite interesting sometimes with all the suspense going on. I wonder if the third movie is going to come out.. i only watched the second one. but it was rili good!
Iryu [医龍 Team Medical Dragon] Rating: 10/10 (Watched) such an exciting drama. it taught me alot about the medical world.. and i think im starting to cherish my life?
Umizaru [海猿] Rating: 8/10 not a story you would commonly see on tvs. although the movie is good, i like to watch how the relationship between the divers n lovers grow
Unfair [アンフェア] Rating: 10/10 (Watched) theme song of ito yuna's faith was a very touching song.
one of the best groups of actors!
Attack No.1 [アタック No.1] ayuhara [Rating: 8/10] probably coz i personally like to play vball so i favored dis tv quite alot. even my dad watched it with..lolz. in the beginning it wasnt so interesting, but then as the story went on, the climax got nearer and nearer and u could feel everything tense up.
also.. good characters
Attention Please [アテンションン プリース] aya n nishikido [Rating: 9/10] rili gd drama! kinda makes u want to consider flight attendant as a job.. ahahaha.
Dragon Zakura [ドラゴン桜] abe hiroshi. best actor ever [Rating: 10/10] almost every drama dat has abe hiroshi is amazing. he makes u laugh all da time even if hes in a serious mood, plus dragon zakura definately makes me want to study harder now! esp wif those tricks they teach u there!!
Kurosagi [クロサギ] kurosagi metcha sugoiiii [Rating: 10/10] ive watched few dramas dat have yamapi- in it.. but i think dis is his best one hes ever done! like stand up n nobuta... hes kinda does ppl hu are not serious.. but in here. its a mixture of being serious n playfull!
My Boss, My Hero [マイボスマイヒロ] My Boss, My Hero -- FUNNY [Rating: 10/10] its a really entertaining and worthwhile to watch! it makes me laugh all the time and the casts are rili gd! tegoshi is not bad at acting and aragaki yui is one of my fav. actresses! and nagase! super funny expressions!