PRICELESS ~Aru Wake Nedaro,n namon!~ [PRICELESS ~あるわけねぇだろ,んなもん!~] Rating: 1/10 (Watched) One of the worst series, I've seen. The writers don't seem to make much effort in putting together a believeable storyline. Episode for episode there are more and more plotholes...
Utsukushii hito [美しい人] Rating: 5/10 (Watched) Very cheesy overall. Not even the actors can save the series from being a mediocre romance drama from the 90's.
Zorkaz's drama reviews (2)
Shotenin Michiru no Mi no Uebanashi [書店員ミチルの 身の上話] Dissapointing [Rating: 5/10] A series, wich started out very promising, but in the end it had a lot of plot holes... Still nice if you're Toda Erika fan...
Yokai Ningen Bem [妖怪人間べム] Depends on taste [Rating: 4/10] This drama might be enjoyable for those who like any of the four main actors. Still, the story is not very well explained.
The three Youkai are wandering around for something like 50 years but act like they've been on earth for just a decade in some cases. Some things in this series just don't seem to fit together are unexplained or illogical. Anne and Fuku Suzuki do a great job, but Bem's character seems out of place.
The CGI is okay and the look of the monsters is done well too.