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Keizoku [ケイゾク]

Drama Details
Unsolved cases
Telecast:1999-01-08 to 1999-03-19
Season:Winter 1999

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TV Station:TBS
Duration:11 Episodes
1 Special

Graduating at the top of her class, elite detective candidate Jun Shibata is transferred to the section that handles cases deemed "unsolvable" by the department. Her partner, though a well-respected and experienced detective, has grown complacent after unsuccesfully pursuing these cases that many consider an exercise in futility. With her upper class breeding, her colleagues don't expect much from her either, but she suprises them all with her motivation and astounding powers of deduction. Well-constructed mysteries and colorful characters abound in this stylish and edgy police drama.

Related Videos (1)
 Keizoku (1999) Intro - Chronic Love
Keizoku (1999) Intro - Chronic Love


Click here to suggest a video for this drama (YouTube videos only)

Soundtrack and Theme Songs (1)
1. Chronic Love [Nakatani Miki 中谷美紀]LYRICS ]

Actor/Actress Cast (10)
Nakatani Miki
Shibata Jun
Watabe Atsuro
Suzuki Sarina
Noguchi Goro
Ryu Raita
!TODELETE Shimizu Yoichi
Nishio Mari
Akiyoshi Kumiko
Kawaoka Daijiro
Nukumizu Youichi

Related Links (3)
1. http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Subway/6869/keizoku.html
2. Keizoku
Synopsis, images and worship of the 11-episode series
3. Official Keizoku Page

Drama Reviews (7)
The review section may contain spoilers! Please understand
that you may find out about this drama's endings and plots!

1. Intense [Rating: 10/10]
This is my absolute favorite drama ever. (One of the links above is to my site.) It can be taken as a detective story--actually, some of the scenes are obviously directly influenced by Sherlock Holmes--but it can also be seen as an examination of the human condition, and as a commentary on very real issues facing Japanese society, namely deception, blind obedience and self-sacrifice. It is also very well-acted, well-directed, and well-produced--not a second of film is wasted--with smooth, indie-influenced cinematography that increasingly darkens the mood as through each sub-plot as the underlying story progresses. The comic relief throughout creates a fondness for the characters that grows and grows, leaving the viewer devastated at the tragic ending. No other drama has yet impacted me as much as this one.
Reviewed by kumonryu on 21 November 2001
2. One of the most suspenseful shows (at the end) [Rating: 8/10]
Aside from the rather repetitive and seemingly juvenile first couple of episodes, this dorama leads the viewer down a deceptively simple path through the first couple of episodes and then takes you completely by surprise as twist after twist emerge. Unquestionably, this police dorama was completely riveting in the second half - truly one of the most well-thought out (in terms of complexity) and well-executed police cases I've seen on TV. The cast played their roles very well; kudos to Nakatani Miki and Watabe Atsuro. As a rating, the first half deserves maybe a 7/10 but the ending was undoubtedly a 10/10. Overall, exceptionally good build up to one of the most suspense-filled endings I have ever watched! Bravo!
Reviewed by Shindou on 2 May 2006
3. Okay, but great ending [Rating: 8/10]
Early on, this follows a predicable pattern: a brilliant, somewhat eccentric Tokyo University grad (Miki Nakatani) starts off in the police department's dead file room. With her special abilities for deduction, she manages to solve some of the most baffling dead cases, usually half-way through an episode.

The pattern is fairly uniform. Miki Nakatani is competent, but never a particularly skilled performer. Her relative blandness is matched with a number of skilled, eccentric personalities - and an ending that's completely unpredictable (and really quite thrilling).
Reviewed by jdoramadotcom on 27 April 2008
4. Not good not bad. [Rating: 4/10]
I understood what the drama was going for. A witty peculiar drama, which attempted to play on the charisma of the Nakatani Miki and the chemistry of the two lead roles. The story line and the mysteries to be solved were not that compelling and Nakatani Miki could be annoying at times when she becomes oddly high-pitched. Personally, I think TRICK is waaaaaaaaay better. They had similar aims, Keizoku failed and TRICK wins hands down. I did not really find the story clever or interesting.
Reviewed by randomwalker on 24 November 2009
5. A good detective series [Rating: 8/10]
I liked the way the main actress (Nakatani Miki) acts in this series and the way the whole series is directed, it leaves you with a dark feeling throughout. The only problem is that most of the cases are a bit to predictable for me, so they didn't really leave me guessing ... and I was looking forward for this show to leave me guessing till the end ... But I still think its worth watching~ ... I can't wait until the movie, comics and the "series 2" comes out!!
Reviewed by JohnnyBoy_3000 on 1 June 2001
6. Great Show! [Rating: 9/10]
A very different drama but it kept my attention till the end. It won the best drama in 99. The ending is quite surprising!
Reviewed by jdfan on 25 July 2002
7. Great mystery series! [Rating: 10/10]
One of my favorites too, the actors Watabe Atsuro and Nakatani Miki are great and keeps your attention on them.
Reviewed by genji_cat on 12 July 2002

Comments From Users (46)
This section may contain spoilers! Do not proceed if you
do not want to read about this drama's endings and plots!

1. Comments by donna8157 [Rating: 9/10]
It's an interesting story, one of the best aspects of this drama is the cast - Watabe Atsuro and Nakatani Miki make a great duo. Nakatani Miki's character who is daughter of the famous detective in Tokyo solves cases that had been unsolved for ages, Watabe Atsuro in the meantime helps her along the way, backing her up and giving more evidence when needed, even she overlooks a few things.

The cases themselves aren't incredibly grabbing - in fact, after the first episode it became a little predictable who the villains were. But I guess that's not the only reason people watch crime dramas, it was always fun seeing how the woman is able to solve the case and what clues she found while doing so. What is done well is the darker story of Watabe Atsuro's character that is woven in little by little with each passing episode which builds up immensely towards the end. I highly recommend this series if you enjoy "Trick" or "Kindaichi" series.
2. Comments by Susan [Rating: 9/10]
Nakatani Miki is one of the best actresses in Japan today and yesterday. At the time I was watching this, I was studying crime/mystery writing, and this series taught me that one of the most important things for a lead character is distinctiveness, something that describes Shibata Jun in more ways than one. Nakatani did a great job conveying the eccentric qualities of Jun. Though it saddens me that the series' overall plot was a bit of a muddle by the end. Was it all a dream? Reality? I'm not sure even the writers knew what was going on, or why anything had happened the way it did. Regardless, the show was a lot of fun!
3. Comments by Eyrien* [Rating: 10/10]
This has to be one of my favorite dramas of all time! The casting is great, the leads are superb, the cases a interesting (although usually the fun is just trying to figure out how the criminal commited the crime, you usually know how did it within the first ten minutes) and the interaction between the two leads never fails to crack me up. The later part of the series is where you really get to see Watabe Atsuro act. This series made me a Watabe fan. A note though, if you're going to see this series, make sure you have the continuation (special, movie) on hand, otherwise the ending is going to greatly upset you.
4. Comments by xploring [Rating: 8/10]
The ending was unpredictable and kept me guessing, but slightly unbelievable for me. I think the acting performances elevated this above the material on offer, both the leads were excellent, the support cast were also very good. I enjoyed the deductions in the early cases more, even if some were rather predictable. I was actually not that emotionally attached to the characters as the series approached its climatic conclusions. But overall, a stylish and riveting detective series.
5. Comments by outlaws0025 [Rating: 9/10]
Absolutely superb dorama! Shibata and Mayama are super hilarious together and they just creat a great duo! The dorama also offers lots of great slapstick which I found super hilarious. Not many doramas are able to deliver entertainment humor, but this one certainly does. The cases are very exiting and very well created. TRICK is still my favorite crime dorama, but this one's very high on the list - I'd say second place (and I've watched many crime doramas)!
6. Comments by Sleepingstar [Rating: 8/10]
It's just such a nice watch, really well done detective drama. A bit silly, not too serious and some light comedy here and there. Characters and cast also do their jobs really well, it can't really get much better than that. In the end it gets a lot more serious though, when main storyline comes to an end. It was a bit twisted and much different from episodes before, but really interesting, still liked light episodes more though.
7. Comments by Cerebus [Rating: 7/10]
A very odd one this, the first 2/3rds are very similar to Trick where rather implausible mysteries are solved in a semi-lighthearted way. Then suddenly it turns into a different show, very dark, shocking and compelling (though equally as implausible). And it works very well, the odd camera angels and strange asides which where where originally quirky suddenly become disturbing. The SP is OK while the film is a complete mess.
8. Comments by keikotl [Rating: 8/10]
This drama has some very good cases, however, the murderers were so predictable for me. But I like watching how Shibata can solve a crime in such a short time and name all the tricks that the murderers used to commit their crime. I however, didn't like Atsuro's character because he seemed a little bit twisted to me. But I luved Miki's character because she seems so clueless at most time. So funny.
9. Comments by Shindou [Rating: 8/10]
One of the best police mystery endings I have ever seen in any show!! Nakatani Miki plays Shibata very well and Watabe Atsuro played an extremely convincing Mayama. The intermingling of serious scenes and light situations were well peppered throughout the show. Starts with a deceptively slow beginning couple of episodes, this dorama knocks you out towards the end. Very well done!
10. Comments by Eyeyore [Rating: 5/10]
Ep1-7 were forgettable plots...all predictable. It only started to get exciting thereafter. One small plot that snowballed into a bigger one. I wished the final episode had been really the final episode but the producers ruined a fine script by continuing the drama with SP and a movie. 'Reviving' the characters in the drama is the ultimate nail on the coffin for a bad script.
11. Comments by miki_nakatani_fan [Rating: 10/10]
I adore this dorama!! Out of all the Miki Nakatani doramas I have seen this is my favorite. The special is nice too, but a bit hard to believe.

I wish they'd somehow bring everyone back and make another Keizoku!

The chemistry between Nakatani and Atsuro combined with the comic element really gives you a chance to become fond of the characters.

12. Comments by EstherM [Rating: 8/10]
Quirky to downright weird/dark detective story with brilliant main actress! I watched this after Unfair, two sesons of Psychometrer Eiji, 3 seasons of Trick and 4 seasons of Investigator Mariko - not so much new under the sun. It took me 3, 4 episodes before I got into this series but once I did I loved it. SP, movie and ignoring of plot holes also recommended.
13. Comments by spazzy06 [Rating: ?/10]
I couldn't get past the first episode. It's painful to watch how hard this drama tries to be "different". It lacks the subtlety and heart that Trick possesses that reels people in and makes the franchise a hit. Everybody is comparing this to Trick, so I thought I would too. Although, it's an unworthy comparison.
14. Comments by desert-raven [Rating: 8/10]
Pretty good drama, great characters and good stories. The overall plot was interesting as well. Though the series got very strange at times, and the Movie had an extremely bizarre ending, I still can't understand. Oh well. Nakatani Miki was great in it. I'll be looking for more of her movies.
15. Comments by NaomiMaeda [Rating: 9/10]
Very good series. Probably the oldest that I have ever seen. Plot is good and interesting. It's suspensive and has some comedy scenes, so, you can't get bored. Because of this I started to like Nakatani Miki. I think she's awesome actress. Also Watabe Atsuro was great here too.
16. Comments by Jackykero [Rating: 8/10]
Great cast (great lead duo with Watabe Atsuro and Nakatani Miki) and stories. I really liked that each episode was a story in itself, and in addition to that there was a lot of cahracter development and a back-story that became the main story towards the end episodes. Good dorama.
17. Comments by sucigam [Rating: 9/10]
I have never been a big fan of the one episode conclusion series's but this one is fantastic. Cases are predictable but it's damn entertaining and gets very intense near the end. Watabe Atsuro at his finest in this drama and Nakatani Miki is wonderfully quirky. "Tres bien."
18. Comments by Lady Zhuge [Rating: 9/10]
If you like Trick, you'll probably like this one too. The humor is just as quirky, but the ambience is darker and more serious...reminiscent of film noir. Make sure you watch the special and movie as well (in that order), lest the ending leave you very unsatisfied.
19. Comments by Geezer [Rating: 10/10]
A quirky, scarey, funny, puzzling detective show. Miki Nakatani is brilliant as the childlike genius Shibata Jun. And Watabe Atsuro makes a great sidekick. And now, 2 years after buying my first copy, I've finally gotten another. This one with English subs!
20. Comments by jdfan [Rating: 9/10]
A very different drama but it kept my attention till the end. It won the best drama in 99. The ending is quite surprising! It has the power to draw you in for more. The last epidsode was first rate�cMust see. The special is quite good too.
21. Comments by arashilove [Rating: 9/10]
Really good mystery drama! This is a new genre than what I'm used to, but I was pleasantly surprised. There is a lot of suspense and it is very engaging watching Shibata Jun and her partner try to solve the "unsolved cases" from the past.
22. Comments by loveaomori [Rating: 6/10]
a 6,5.. I think I prefer the humor in this dorama rather than any suspense or detective part which are to me cheap and not well written. Don't like Watabe Atsuro wo plays always the same so it doesn't help..
23. Comments by sayurikurata [Rating: 10/10]
I rate this a 10/10!! This is a great mystery drama with combines of suspense and a bit of humor. I think Miki and Atsuro is best together. ^_^ Too bad the ending is a bit sad.
24. Comments by ephesus [Rating: 8/10]
It's madness. Madness I say. One thing that sucks is that it has a lot of old people. Frankly, who wants to watch a drama filled with old people. Probably your mother.
25. Comments by xhidex33 [Rating: 8/10]
Fun detective series, each episode being independent from the previous and next one. The cast is great and the stories are short and well done (mysterious...)
26. Comments by gaijinmark [Rating: 8/10]
The cases in the middle third weren't that hard to figure out, but from episode 8 on it was excellent. Watabe and Nakatani made a great pair!
27. Comments by eirias [Rating: 8/10]
Brilliant and quirky mystery series that went off the deep end towards the end. This sudden Lynchian nightmare works too, but not as well.
28. Comments by marspeach [Rating: 6/10]
Started out as a weird, funny cop show, then got totally messed up and twisted at the end. Don't know whether I'd recommend it or not.
29. Comments by tabana [Rating: 7/10]
First 2 episode are kind of predictable. The Middles ones are good, but I didn't like the last three. For the first part, it's a 8.0.
30. Comments by hitomi #1 [Rating: 7/10]
Thought it was a bit overrated, Miki and the rest of the cast were good but the stories were just a bit boring and predictable.

Read all 46 comments from users

Users who voted for this drama (5)
1. sugarbloodsuckers
I just finished watching this drama and it has become my favorite already. Nakatani Miki is great as Shibata Jun and Watabe Atsuro as Mayama. The ending was a nice (yet shocking surprise) but the special and movie that followed it were also surprisingly good (unlike other specials and movies that follow great dramas).
2. Rinrin
Best "keiji" drama I've seen. Watabe Atsuro & Nakatani Miki make a good combo.
3. outlaws0025
One of the best crime doramas ever~~!
4. runpup
5. Sleepingstar