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Joined:  11 Jul 2005
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MonsterZero-65's drama votes (9)
Densha Otoko [電車男]
Best drama in a long time. They must have had a whole team of Otaku working on this to get the culture down so well. I really enjoyed Itoh Misaki, Itoh Atsushi, and Shiraishi Miho was too funny. Great acting, story, music, everything really. a perfect 10!
Gokusen [ごくせん]
Plain funny. Nakama Yukie played the perfect Yakuza family member/teacher. The whole cast was really enjoyable. The interaction between characters was priceless and the plot was entertaining. Really a light hearted fun show.
Last Christmas [ラストクリスマス]
Very Romantic and fun drama.
Long vacation [ロングバケーション]
One of the really great opening scenes of all time in my opinion. Great chemitsry between the cast and a really good soundtrack too. Excellent drama.
Love generation [ラブジェネレーション]
I really love this drama. Could watch it over and over.
Odoru Daisousasen [踊る大捜査線]
Love everything about this show.
Sekai no chuushin de, ai wo sakebu [世界の中心で、愛をさけぶ]
This drama really deserves every award that it won and many that it did not win. Everything about this drama was perfect. Very touching and sad.
Star no Koi [スタアの恋]
Perfect cast for this drama. I was surprised how much I loved this show. Really good!
Yamato Nadeshiko [やまとなでしこ【大和撫子】]
All time favorite. Nanako Matsushima was perfect in this. I have not seen a better drama before or after this.

MonsterZero-65's artiste votes (9)
Abe Hiroshi [阿部寛]
Great in very role I have seen him in.
Itoh Misaki [伊東美咲]
She brings beauty and personality to every part she plays.
Kimura Takuya [木村拓哉]
There is a reason he is so popular. He can really act and knows the roles that fit him well.
Matsushima Nanako [松嶋菜々子]
Beautiful. Great actress with a sort of timeless quality about her.
Nakama Yukie [仲間由紀恵]
Cute and flexible actress. She can really make any part her own.
Oda Yuji [織田裕二]
Love to watch his drama's.
Uchiyama Rina [内山理名]
So Cute. I really hope she gets some more lead roles. She is really amazing in a kimono.
Ueto Aya [上戸彩]
Sometimes her acting is great other well to be honest sometimes it's not. Always cute and has tons of talent.
Yada Akiko [矢田亜希子]

MonsterZero-65's dramas (0)

No dramas listed

MonsterZero-65's drama reviews (77)
3 nen B gumi Kinpachi Sensei Season 5 [3年B組金八先生]
Yay for Kinpachi [Rating: 9/10]
Kinpachi is the best. A timeless drama with great lessons in each episode and a great season.
3 nen B gumi Kinpachi Sensei Season 6 [3年B組金八先生]
Maybe my favorite season [Rating: 10/10]
Takeda Tetsuya is always fantastic in this roll. Everyone knows this drama and it is hard not to love. Ueto Aya really stole this show though. My first exposure to her as an artist and she was outstanding. Great Season!
3 nen B gumi Kinpachi Sensei Season 7 [3年B組金八先生]
More Kinpachi! [Rating: 9/10]
Oh I don't want this to be the final season. I love this drama and this season was no exception.
Ai no Uta [あいのうた]
Ai no uta worth watching [Rating: 9/10]
I really liked this drama. I do not agree with the other criticisms that I have read about it. Tamaki Koji, was far from 1 dimensional. Kanno Miho was brilliant in this. The awkwardness that she displayed especially early on trying to relate to the family who took her in was marvelous. Could not have been funnier. I also enjoyed the sometimes annoying but very cute character played by Wakui Emi. I enjoyed the whole series. It was not terribly original but was richly acted and had a lot of heart.
Antique [アンティーク〜西洋骨董洋菓子店]
Delicious cakes but not a lot of charachter develo [Rating: 8/10]
Well the cakes looked amazing and the cast is really great but the characters did not really develop. If they did it would have been a great drama as is it was good. Worth watching but not with high expectations.
Atarashii Kaze [新しい風]
Mildly good [Rating: 6/10]
This was a good drama. A little different story than what you usually see. The acting was strong and it was interesting but nothing spectacular. Worth watching if it replays again.
Atsu-Hime [篤姫]
Yay Taiga drama! [Rating: 9/10]
Well this drama did not pack as much action as most Taiga drama's tend to showcase so it can seem to slowly plot along. That sounds pretty dull and bad but it does not feel that way thanks to strong acting and a good script and cast. Aoi Miyazaki rocks and so does the rest of the cast. Well worth viewing even if it does not have a lot of excess drama or action.
Attack No.1 [アタック No.1]
Needed more developement [Rating: 6/10]
It was a good drama but the charachters did not develope very deeply. So much time was kind of wasted in this drama filming Volleyball whcih obviously is important but more important would be a connection to the players and why they act the way they act. I want to love this drama because Aya Ueto and the rest of the cast are all very cool but there just is not that much there... Still it is enjoyable enough to watch and a fun but predictable story.
Attention Please [アテンションン プリース]
Yay Aya! [Rating: 8/10]
I loved Aya Ueto in this. It's a fairly simple drama but it holds your interest in each episode. I would call it more fun than good though.
Batsu Kare [バツ彼]
Not bad [Rating: 7/10]
Batsu means no way in Japan. A Divorced man and a single women past her late 20's are considered almost hopeless by many. The story moved along kind of slowly and was not super romantic in my opinion. I think it is a stronger story of friendship than it is of romance. Pretty enjoyable though.
Brand [ブランド]
A good Brand [Rating: 8/10]
Miki Imai was outstanding in this, I really gathered a lot of respect for her acting after this drama. I felt she was strong but vulnerable and a really good love story about two people searching for what was really important to them in life. Parts felt a little slow which made it hard to give it much higher than an 8 but yet somehow and 8 feels too low. I am having a difficult time with that part.
Bus stop [バスストップ]
Surprised! [Rating: 9/10]
I am so surprised that many people did not rank this very high so far. I thought it was very good. Iijima Naoko, Teruyoshi Uchimura, and my favorite Uchiyama Rina were all wonderful in this story. A story of love and changing of views on what is most important in life.
Egao no Hosoku [笑顔の法則]
Not a stand out but good. [Rating: 8/10]
Takeuchi and Abe were great in this but then again they are great in everything I have seen them and (and that is a lot of stuff). It's not an outstanding drama but it has it's moments and the story line is fairly nice it just really lacks a strong identity. Worth checking out though.
Engine [エンジン]
Kimura Takura drama for sure. [Rating: 9/10]
A Kimura Takura drama for sure. He really dominates this drama. I felt the love interest should have developed a little more. Still it is a fantastic drama and well worth watching.
Fuurin Kazan [風林火山]
Very enjoyable [Rating: 8/10]
Uchino Masaaki was perfect for the role. A well acted and interesting story. Although it is not clear how accurate any of the story was because so little is known about Yamamoto Kansuke in real life the story is still very enjoyable. I can't put my finger on exactly what it was but something was missing so I can't rank it as high as some of my other favorite Taiga's (Mushashi, Komyo Ga Tsuji, and Toshii to Matsu).
Gokusen Season 2 [ごくせん2]
How is it possible... [Rating: 8/10]
How is it possible to not love the Gokusen series? Well it's not possible for me at least. The wonderful humor of the first installment still is evident in this sequel. Parts seem a little too much like the first installment and some of the cast are not as strong but it is forgivable and still entertaining. You do not need to see Gokusen in order to enjoy Gokusen 2 but the first season is better so I suggest it for that reason.
Gokusen Season 3 [ごくせん 3]
Nakama Yukie is wodnerful but... [Rating: 5/10]
This series was one too many. I love Gokusena and I liked Gokusen II a lot though it was a bit redundant. This was really does not develop any further and is a rip off/clone of the other seasons. They could have done so much with this cast and storyline but chose to do exactly what they did before. I can't really recommend seeing this drama.
Good Luck !! [グッドラック!!]
Great cast! [Rating: 8/10]
This show had a great cast and a concept as well. I really like everyone in this drama but I wanted more character development. I could not really feel the strong love connection between the main characters. The chemistry did not seem to be their.
GTO [麻辣教師]
Just plain cool [Rating: 10/10]
If you want to see a drama that is just plain cool then this is the drama to watch. Not a real complex story, not a real tear jerker just a basic good story, with great actors having fun.
Hana Yori Dango [花より男子]
Did not love it [Rating: 7/10]
I know I am going against the trend here but really I was not in live with this drama. I thought it was good but not great or even really good. It was a bit too forced feeling for me. The story of course is pretty good and a really good cast but kind of meh otherwise.
Haru to Natsu/Haru e Natsu [ハルとナツ]
Great cast and story [Rating: 7/10]
I loved the cast and the story was interesting. This drama takes place before, during, and after WWII in both Japan and Brazil. The story of a poor family split apart and their struggles and triumphs. (Mostly struggles). I think everyone did a great job on this drama. I watched the whole drama but I just could not get really thrilled about it. Can't find any fault with it just did not do it for me 100% for what ever reason. It probable deserves a little higher than a 7 but when I compare it vs. other drama's that I gave a higher rating then...
Almost really great [Rating: 8/10]
I really liked the plot, actors, each individual episode pretty much everything about this drama but the end was really kind of a let-down to me. I kind of finished saying that's it? Sadly that was it.
Hitonatsu no Papa e [ひと夏のパパへ]
Not bad... but [Rating: 7/10]
This drama was not bad but it was not great either. The script was too loose. Some very talented people in the drama just not a very developed plot line. The show also suffered from poor charachter developement. You really wanted to see people bond and relationships become better defined but it just did not happen in my opinion. Still it had it's moments...
Iguana no musume [イグアナの娘]
Great! [Rating: 10/10]
Kanno Miho and Kawashima Naomi were both excellent in this drama. I can't imagine anyone turning in a better performance. The bizarre and haunting relationship they had was very dark and twisted but you do not walk away from the drama feeling depressed. I was completely entertained the whole time and could not wait to see the next episode.
Keiji Ichiro [刑事★イチロー]
Had potential... [Rating: 6/10]
This drama had potential to be good but pretty much failed. It was not bad just not very exciting. The story was kind of loose and the charachters did not develope. There were a few parts that are funny and a few parts you want to root for people but that's about it.
Keitai Sosakan Season 7 [ケータイ捜査官7]
Cheesy Fun [Rating: 8/10]
This is not really what you would call a good or serious drama. It is a funny goofy and enjoyable show. It is super fake and the acting is terrible but it's supposed to be. This is the kind of show you just turn off your brain and enjoy for what it is. Still watching and enjoying.
Kekkon Dekinai Otoko [結婚できない男]
Great Entertainment [Rating: 9/10]
You could not ask for better casting than this drama offered. Everyone played their part to perfection. Abe especially is so convincing in this drama as a very quirky architect who is reluctantly drawn into in the lives of those around him. Each episode I was further drawn into this drama and was not disappointed at any point along the way. I highly recommend this drama.
Kiina ~ Fukano Hanzai Sosakan [キイナ]
Kanno Miho rocks as Kiina [Rating: 9/10]
Kanno Miho is perfect in this role as a quirky but talented detective who is assigned to the unlikely/impossibly odd cases. The show is based on fact they advertise at the start of each episode and they do throw in a lot of factual evidence and testimonies but it's really all about the charisma of the cast. That is why I ultimately enjoyed this drama series. If you are looking for something fun and enjoy odd characters and cases this will be very enjoyable for you it was for me.
Kimi wa Petto [きみはペット]
Disappointing [Rating: 4/10]
I really enjoy Koyuki, but she could not save this drama. I did not enjoy this drama at all. I felt the chemistry was not believable and everything was forced. The lone bright spots was a few humerous moments with some of the supporting roles. This is my least favorite of any drama that I have seen to date.
Kirakira Kenshui [きらきら研修医]
Cute drama [Rating: 8/10]
This is just a fun cute kind of drama. Nothing too serious but really light enjoyable fun. A good cast and an okay story make this worth watching.
Kochira Hon Ikegami Sho [こちら本池上署]
This is Ikegami Police Station [Rating: 8/10]
Fun show great cast. This is a very simple police dramedy (Part drama part comedy but all enetertaining). If you atre looking for serious police work and murder this is not the show for you but if you want to see fun interaction with police working in a small town to make it a better place with the community while having fun then you have found a gem.
Kochira Hon Ikegami Sho 2003 [こちら本池上署]
This is Ikegami Police Station 2 [Rating: 8/10]
More goofy fun from the cast and crew of the Kochira Hon Ikegami sho. I really enjoy this series.
Kochira Hon Ikegami Sho Season 3 [こちら本池上署 3]
This is Ikegami Police Station 3 [Rating: 8/10]
Glad to see the show continued to remain funny and enjoyable to watch in it's 3rd season. The show did have some significant changes in cast members but does not suffer too much as a result of that.
Kochira Hon Ikegami Sho Season 4 [こちら本池上署 4]
Enjoyable [Rating: 8/10]
If you like a nice cheesy drama with a fun cast like I do then you will enjoy Kochira Hon Ikegame Sho series. This drama was taken from a popular manga. The cast has changed slightly over the years some of the older cast make guest returns and some new cast members are added the show still keeps it moral message and light hearted humor.
Kochira Hon Ikegami Sho Season 5 [こちら本池上署 5]
More Hon Ikegami sho fun [Rating: 8/10]
I just really enjoy this show. It is a fun police show with a lot of heart. Season 5 maintains the shows best qualities and although some of the cast have left the show their replacements are enjoyable enough to watch. I would not expect the show to win a lot of awards but I think most people can watch and get a couple of laughs.
Koi Seyo Otome [恋セヨ乙女]
Kind of average [Rating: 7/10]
This was a pretty average show but Hitomi Minaka was worth checking out in this and it is really a fairly light drama so good for those times when you don't want anything to serious.
Konna koi no hanashi [こんな恋のはなし]
Fantastic moving drama [Rating: 10/10]
Sanada Hiroyuki, Tamaki Koji and Matsushima Nanako were all amazing in this. A very powerful and moving drama from start to finish. Friendship, Romance, Love and Hate it has elements of all in it. I was not bored for one single moment and recommend this highly.
Kou kou kyoushi [高校教師]
Serious and Awesome. [Rating: 10/10]
Some of the finest acting ever in this dark and interesting drama. A really important story and you can't help but feel conflicted while watching this. I highly recommend.
Kougen e Irasshai [高原へいらっしゃい!]
Nice [Rating: 7/10]
This was a pleasant drama. Nothing really happened that was so exciting and not a lot of romance. It just kind of existed. Worth watching if you have the time but nothing to go out of your way and see.
Koumei Ga Tsuji [功名が辻]
Taiga drama [Rating: 10/10]
This was my favorite taiga drama since Musashi. I could not imagine anyone playing the part of Chiyo better than Yukie Nakama. When I heard the story was not going to center around a super famous character I was concerned but I have been surprised by a great story with tons of interesting characters living in extraordinarily turbulent times. I have also seen the title translated as Komyo Ga Tsuji which means distinguished.
Kuitan [喰いタン]
Pure fun [Rating: 9/10]
If you are looking for a goofy funny enjoyable drama you can do much worse than Kuitan the Glutinous Detective. Based on a Manga this drama delivers a consistent story line and odd sense of humor. The characters are not what you would call especially deep but they are all over the top in the best possible way. I enjoyed it completely.
Kuitan Season 2 [喰いタン 2]
Kuitan returns! [Rating: 9/10]
Oh I am so happy that Kuitan returned for a 2nd series. I just loved the original series and this picks up nicely. I can't really give it a 10 but a strong 9 for sure. Very funny and entertaining. I could not wait to see the next episode and if I could have seen them all in one day I probably would have. It is very gratifying to see the whole main cast back together as well including my beloved momochan. =D
Last Friends [ラスト・フレンズ]
Serious issues, true friendship... and more [Rating: 8/10]
A simply incredible cast in this drama and it really deals with so many important issues that are prevalent in society I thought it did really well in this aspect. It was just missing something for me though and I can't place it. I think part of me was just not able to really understand some of the motivations of some characters. It is certainly interesting and encourages a lot of dissection and discussion.
Lunch no Joou [ランチの女王]
A Surprise hit! [Rating: 9/10]
Yuko was outstanding in this little drama. The food all looked so amazing as well. Really this drama was a bit of a surprise to me and well worth watching. I found I could not stop I really wanted to see the next episode as soon as I finished the previous one.
Majo no jouken [魔女の条件]
Yay Nanako! [Rating: 8/10]
Matsushima Nanako is one of my all time favorite actresses so how could I pass this drama up? Impossible. LOL The story is a little dark and pretty controversial and you really feel for everyone in the drama but it kind of drags along in parts and the pace was a little awkward. Great acting though so it salvages it for the most part and is worth checking out.
Mukodono! [ムコ殿/女婿大人]
Funny and sweet [Rating: 9/10]
I found this hilarious at times a little repetitive at other times but very enjoyable. I wished for a bit more developement but other than that it was a great drama well worth checking out. You can't help but cheer on the charachters.
Musashi [武蔵]
Best Taiga ever! [Rating: 10/10]
I could not have liked it more. My all time favorite Taiga drama. Everything worked acting, directing, story line, cinematography, sound... I can't imagine anything that they could do to improve it other than extending it out longer. The end comes quickly and leaves you wanting to see the later part of the life of Musashi which is not a bad thing. As they say always leave them asking for more. I highly suggest this Taiga drama to anyone that has a chance to see it.
My Little Chef
Nice drama [Rating: 8/10]
Aya Ueto, Akiko Yada, and Hiroshi Abe all in one drama. Three of my favorites. I don't think I would have enjoyed this drama without the strong cast that it had. The story is very innocent and light hearted. Nothing very dramatic or very funny just pleasent to watch with lots of images of good food and a ton of guest appearences.
Nobuta wo Produce [野ブタ。をプロデュース]
Nobuta! [Rating: 8/10]
Okay so the plot was a little weak but the show itself was fun and the acting was good too. You could not help but cheer on the characters all the way.
Ooku~Hana no Ran~ [大奥〜華の乱〜]
Great! [Rating: 9/10]
Started watching for Rina Uchiyama but was delighted with Eiko Koike and really all of the cast. Wish English subs were available so I could understand more of the storey but really even if you don't speak any Japanese I think you could figure things out pretty well.
Oyaji~ [オヤジぃ]
A really good family drama! [Rating: 8/10]
The Kanzaki family is an interesting lot but the Father played by Tamura Masakazu steals the entire show despite the 2 lovely daughters, son, and his wife (Mizuno Miki, Hirosue Ryoko, Okada Junichi, and Kuroki Hitomi). They face ordinary problems in an extraordinary manner. Touching at times, funny at other times it is a nice blend of emotions that it creates and instills in the viewers at least for me. It can be a little dull in a few parts and looses direction at time but well worth your time.
Papa to Musume no Nanokakan [パパとムスメの7日間]
Better than expected [Rating: 8/10]
I was not very excited to see this because it is a very old plot line of a parent and child swapping bodies and living each others life. I started watching and could not stop though. This is really well done with some very funny situations and some fun acting too. If you need a good laugh you could do far worse than this little drama.
Rasen [らせん]
A nice spin [Rating: 8/10]
This puts a new spin on the franchise and I felt it was well written and well acted. Again to me more creepy than scary but that is not a bad thing. The story moves along pretty consistently and the music score sets the mood well. I enjoyed it and recommend it to any genre fans that have not seen it.
Ring: Saishusho [リング 最終章]
Loved this variation [Rating: 9/10]
I really enjoyed the story and casting of this drama. Creepy and fun though not what I would consider scary it did have it's moments though. I missed Nanako Matsushima who is my favorite actress but all the cast worked well in this including Kuroki-san.
Sakura [さくら]
Not bad [Rating: 6/10]
I enjoyed watching the drama for the most part. It was nothing very exciting but featured a nice little town with a diverse group of people. The focus was on a Japanese American woman who went to Japan to teach and make a cultural bridge. The acting was cheesy the side stories were strange but the show had a good heart. I would recomend it if you have spare time and can still find it playing.
Sekai no chuushin de, ai wo sakebu [世界の中心で、愛をさけぶ]
Outstanding [Rating: 10/10]
This is really an amazing drama. Anyone who can watch a single episode without being touched has no sole. It is one of the best drama's that I have ever seen. Music, Acting, Plot everything came together to make this one of my favorites. This is an emotional roller coaster of a drama.
Sensei shiranaino? [先生知らないの?]
Fantastic and cute series [Rating: 10/10]
This series is packed with light hearted fun and really flies by. The interaction between Kusanagi and Ishida was really felt andthe kids were simply adorable. Shinohara was also very fun and cute in this. One of my very favorite dramas
Shinsengumi [新撰組]
Shinsengumi [Rating: 8/10]
I am a big fan of Taiga drama's. NHK always assembles a great cast and Shinsengumi was no exception. I had high expectations for the drama because it is one of the more famous stories in Japanese history. The acting was great as always but I found the pace of the show very unbalanced. They glossed over some of the most important moments and spent too much time on minor incidents. I still enjoyed the show a lot but I did not enjoy it as much as other Taiga dramas I have seen. Good but not great.
Shomuni [ショムニ]
A blast!!! [Rating: 10/10]
This is one of my all time favorite drama's. It is simply fun from start to finish. Way over the top and it revels in that. They are not pretending to be ordinary office workers or a serious drama. Only watch this if you can let go of yourself and enter the world of odd charachters and silly situations. If you can do this you will love it as much as I do. p.s. the Neko is one of my favorite charachters though he will not be in the credits. LOL
Shomuni Final [ショムニ ファイナル/庶務二課]
Worthy of your time [Rating: 8/10]
Often a series like this gets very stale but not here. They continue to push the envelope of crazy office fun and absurd situations. Fun over acting as it is designed to be. Most of the cast is still around and delightful as always. Not original like the first season not as strongly cast as the 2nd season but good.
Shomuni Season 2 [ショムニ 2]
Looses very little from 1st season [Rating: 9/10]
The cast is back and as funny as ever. It is not as inventive or different but still so much fun. See the original series first to fully enjoy this but certainly watch Shomuni 2 and revel in it's awkward silly stories and crazy characters.
Strawberry on the shortcake [ストロベリー・オンザ・ショートケーキ]
Could not get into this [Rating: 5/10]
I am sorry but I could not just get into this drama. I watched the whole series and really wanted to like it but I didn't. Hideaki Takizawa and Kyoko Fukada both did fine but Uchiyama Rina was so outstanding in this story and stole the show in my opinion. I started to like her as a result of her perfomance but the story seemed week and there just was not much to it. I kept waiting for something that never happened.
Summer snow
Moving [Rating: 10/10]
This is an outstanding drama. Hirosue Ryoko was simply amazing in it. Really the whole cats was terrific. The story is incredibly moving full of happy and sad moments.
Taiho shichauzo [逮捕しちゃうぞ]
Simply fun [Rating: 7/10]
This is not the best drama in the world nor does it pretend to be but it's fun. Very enjoyable with no big agenda. Perfect for when you want something not so serious.
Tatta Hitotsu no Koi [たったひとつの恋]
Really good!! [Rating: 8/10]
This is a really wonderful story and well acted as well. There was really good chemistry among the entire cast. I felt parts of the story kind of drag a little but not too bad. It had a good balance of drama and romance. It would probably get a 9 if not for being slow in parts. I recommend it as a romance drama though.
Tenchijin [天地人]
Good Taiga. [Rating: 8/10]
The 48th Taiga drama was another that was not focused on a super famous person but rather a general that not a whole much is known as fact so a lot of liberties were taken but that's okay. It was very entertaining and each episode got better. Great acting and interesting story as expected from an NHK Taiga drama. Still it will not place in my top Taiga picks but good none the less.
Tentai Kanzoku [天体観測]
Great cast [Rating: 9/10]
Fantastic cast in this drama! I was very impressed with this show. I was not all that excited about it reading the description but I enjoyed every episode. The story was well written, and the characters developed nicely. The soundtrack was good too. I really recommend this drama.
Teppan Shoujo Akane [鉄板少女アカネ]
Teppan Shoujo Akane [Rating: 8/10]
The story revolves around Akane. A young girl who runs a family restaurant after her mother dies her father left her alone and has been missing for 1 year. Akane has amazing ability at teppan style cooking and is constantly challenged by a strange rival while looking for her father she travels Japan facing lots of cooking battles along the way. It's fun. I would not call it great but I enjoyed it and that is the most important thing right? I hope you watch it and give it a chance too.
Toshiie to Matsu [利家とまつ]
One of the finest taiga dramas [Rating: 10/10]
This and Musashi are my two favorite taiga dramas. An amazing cast and outstanding story. Although the main focus was on Maeda Toshiie (Inu) the story covered Nobunaga, Hideyoshi, and Iieyasu very well and the intereaction and life of all the major players during the unification of Japan and warring era. Also the interaction between Mataza and his wife the famous Matsu was outstanding. Amazing cast interesting story lots of action what more can you ask for?
Trick [トリック]
Omoroi [Rating: 9/10]
This is really an interesting and fun series. Abe Hiroshi and Nakama Yukie make a great team in this series. It is so hard to stop watching. As soon as one episode ended I wanted to see the next quickly. A timeless classic.
Trick Season 2 [トリック2]
Looses nothing [Rating: 10/10]
Trick II looses nothing from the original drama Trick. Same magic among the cast and same interesting mysterious stories. If you loved the first one like I did then you will love the 2nd one too. Also a side note that if you did not happen to see the first season but you have a chance to see Trick Ii then see it. You can still watch this and enjoy it even without the background of Trick.
Trick Season 3 [トリック3]
My only problem... [Rating: 10/10]
...Is that there was no Trick IV after this. A wonderful final to the trilogy. They really kept the humor, mystery and feel of the series growing. The charachters developed even more and nothing got old. Great great great!
Virgin Road [バージンロード]
Unlikely but so good [Rating: 9/10]
Let's face it the plot os pretty odd and it sounds like it would not be very good but the great cast and it turns into a wodnerful romantic drama that is a pleasure to watch.
Wakaba [わかば]
Wakaba [Rating: 6/10]
Harada Natsuki has a bright future I think but this was not the most interesting morning drama. I enjoyed elements of it including the location of Kobe which was nice. The basic story of a girl trying to follow in her departed fathers footsteps and fulfill his dream and her own was a nice concept and the cast was good for the most part but they really loose their focus in spots and abruptly make massive changes in the story with no rhyme or reason. (Well that's not true it was a ratings bomb and they tried to do things to boost ratings and that failed and messed up the story for those watching). Still it was worth watching if you have the time.
Wedding Planner [ウエディングプランナー]
Enjoyable [Rating: 8/10]
An enjoyable romantic comedy about a small wedding planning company and the unlikely group who run it. I did not fully feel the love story aspect of the drama so much. The chemistry did not feel real to me or I would have given it a 10. The supporting cast was great stories were light hearted and interesting but the lack of chemistry was aparent.
With love
Teru teru bozu [Rating: 9/10]
I could not help but feel attracted to this story as it is similar to my own life in many ways. Though this is nothing new and different now it seems rather ordinary as many people have met on the internet now but still not a lot of touching stories exist about that. I felt it was well acted and well crafted. I felt their intent and could understand their motivations unlike many dramas where I go who acts like that!!! A charming story that I enjoyed.
Yoshitsune [義経]
Yoshitsune [Rating: 8/10]
Very enjoyable cast especially the supporting cast I felt Tetsuya Watari really brought to life Tairano Kiyomori for example. (I took a trip over to Miyajima just to see the Kiyomori shine.) Yoshitsune is a very famous person and this was an interesting different perspective on his life and death. Elements of the later really contradict a lot of what I have read in history books but it was interesting. With that said I felt a little let down with the overall pace of the show. It felt like it dragged in parts and introduced a lot of people that added nothing to the story line and then it abandoned them without follow-up they just sort of go away. If I had not seen other Taiga drama's that are better I would have given this a higher rating but I know NHK can do better.


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