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Joined:  08 Jun 2006
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Country (Nationality):  Japan
Location:  Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Japan
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himitsu-kun's drama votes (1)
Itsumo futari de [いつもふたりで]
Got me hooked on watching doramas

himitsu-kun's artiste votes (4)
Fukada Kyoko [深田恭子]
The girl who got me hooked on doramas
Hasegawa Kyoko [長谷川京子]
Why not? Those cheeks are irresistable.
Hirosue Ryoko [広末涼子]
My first love in doramas
Ueto Aya [上戸彩]
Getting better in every dorama. Getting cuter as well!

himitsu-kun's dramas (10)
Ace wo Nerae! [エースをねらえ!]
Rating: 8/10 (Watched)
Attack No.1 [アタック No.1]
Rating: 9/10 (Watched)
Had me guessing in every episode.
Attention Please [アテンションン プリース]
Rating: 10/10 (Watched)
Aya-chan is so cute in this series. Cuter than any previous work and she's good. Ryo (Shouta) is a little annoying to me, ditching her in the middle of dinner? twice? Ass
Densha Otoko [電車男]
Rating: 9/10 (Watched)
One of the best feel-good doramas ever! Really lost it towards the end though. Doramas are already short being 9 to 12 episodes long; so why all the fluff in this series?
Gokusen [ごくせん]
Rating: 8/10 (Watched)
Pretty good. Too close to GTO though. Oguri Shun acted in both
GTO [麻辣教師]
Rating: 10/10
No flaws. Good from beginning to end. Movie sucked though
Hana Yori Dango [花より男子]
Rating: 8/10 (Watched)
Pretty good and consistent though F4 crumbled towards the middle from what they were perceived as in the beginning
Itsumo futari de [いつもふたりで]
Rating: 9/10 (Watched)
One of the first doramas to get me into this whole mess. Also got me hooked on Hasekyo (Hasegawa Kyoko)
Moto Kare [元カレ]
Rating: 7/10 (Watched)
Kinda dry but at least it has Hirosue Ryoko and Uchiyama Rina in it! Rina is so friggin' cute too!
Stand UP!!
Rating: 10/10 (Watched)
I'm hanging on every episode! Very funny! Suzuki Anne isn't my choice out of all the cute girls in this show but she is one of the best actresses.

himitsu-kun's drama reviews (5)
Attention Please [アテンションン プリース]
Definitely a Must See [Rating: 10/10]
I love Ueto Aya! I think she's really cute so I'm always trying to catch her dramas. For the most part, she's kind of the Jessica Alba type where she's only there because of her looks. But that all changed with Attention Please. Ueto-kun was absolutely hilarious and entertaining. She was extremely charming and timed everything right. I wish she could act this well in all her roles. This drama had its random moments but all the episodes were definitely no fillers. There was always the natural progression. The ending was good too! I'm glad she and Nishikido didn't get together. They didn't have to. No need to force things. The supporting cast was also well put together. I give it a 10! If you watch only one Ueto Aya drama, make it this one. p.s. I love Kimura Kaela and she had a great cameo. Plenty of cute girls.
Good Luck !! [グッドラック!!]
Absolutely a Must Watch Drama [Rating: 10/10]
Damn the acting is so good! Kimura is definitely a pro. I'm no SMAP fan but I gotta say I'm a fan of Kimura's acting. And Shibasaki was really good too! Its the first drama I've seen that actually had some real kissing rather than the typical pecks in most shows; though it only comes at the end. Very good progression throughout the whole drama. Absolutely you must watch and a must love.
Ikebukuro West Gate Park [池袋ウエストゲートパーク]
Why are final episodes always the worst? [Rating: 6/10]
I finished watching this drama last week. I thought for the most part it was very funny and entertaining. Nagase Tomoya definitely does a good job. Though it was never really explained why he could only get hard with Kana. Anyway in terms of storyline and what not, the first few episodes set up for disappointment because they don't really talk about Rika's murder til the end. Watanabe Ken was also pretty good but practically bipolar. G-Boys too! They'll look for you if you've been kidnapped, otherwise they'll threaten to beat you up if you don't give them stuff. What really bothered me was the ending. Why is it always like this? Who the hell waits around for a 5 yr old girl to walk 10 meters with her hand behind her back to approach Takashi and stab him? No one saw the big ass knife? Its half her size not to mention the fact where she got it and how she got to the fight. And Hikaru jumps off a building. I'm fine with Takashi living, but c'mon...who here thinks it made sense for Hikaru to still be alive? It would've been a pretty good ending had she actually died. Seriously. It sucked the Shun got killed. Didn't really expect that and I was kinda disappointed. I give it a 6, meaning its decent enough to take the time to watch. Its good enough til the last few episodes.
Kurosagi [クロサギ]
I didn't mind the ending... [Rating: 7/10]
I just finished watching the last episode and to tell you the truth, I'm not that surprised nor that disappointed. They always try to leave room for a special. Anyway, the first half of the episodes I thought were pretty good in their script. Some of the cases were rather convenient but at least entertaining. The second half was pretty much about Kurosaki and Yoshida, I mean Yoshikawa. I think these two actors did a pretty good job acting together. The swindling cases towards the end were too simple. I was just really bothered by Yukari. This obtuse love triangle storyline is old and just annoying. Why is there never any real competition instead of the usual evil sabotage that goes on? The problem with so many dramas and even anime is that there is never a real or good ending. Another problem is filler episodes...To my surprise, this drama had neither of those. The episodes were never filler and always somewhat relevant. The ending I didn't mind because you could guess that Kurosaki continues to swindle or Yoshikawa settles him down. Whatever it is, it didn't really matter. The only convenient flip typical in many endings is when the swindler in episode 1 rescinds her accusation against Kurosaki...but at least this was explained in a relevant manner! Overall I give it a 7 because its good enough to watch but not good enough to be on your priorities of dramas to watch. Now if I can only get people to reseed Nobuta wo Produce...haven't seen that yet.
Nobuta wo Produce [野ブタ。をプロデュース]
Surprisingly Good [Rating: 10/10]
I don't give many 10 ratings but I think that this drama was excellent all around. The first half of the show was lighthearted and funny. The second half really brought the power; it was drama in every sense of the word. When you're watching the shows, you can't help but notice the director's work. The director uses slow motion for emphasis, spot lighting for isolating characters, and colored lighting to change moods to name a few. How someone can balance artistic direction with emotional acting is amazing to see in a drama. I think Shuji's progression as a person throughout the show was believeable. Akira's behavior (like he's always high) was interesting. He kinda overacted a bit in the 1st episode but lightened it the rest of the way. Nobuta was easily likeable. People think this way about such and such and Nobuta is there to offer the contrary and it works. Very much a breath of fresh air (although she was only supposed to smile in the last episode, she breaks character when she's laughing in one of the episodes shortly before the finale). The 2 problems I have with the drama dealt with resolve. Akira all of a sudden expresses his feelings for Nobuta but they quickly go away by the end of the episode for the most part. My 2nd problem was with the shared dream. I'm not talking about Santa visiting, I'm talking about Aoi jumping off the roof. That was hardly believeable. And the impression of the fall on the ground was comedic. I see where they were going but it wasn't executed well. Overall this show though, is a must see! Its funny when it needs to be funny and sad when it needs to be sad. Shuji's isolation from the rest of the class was an amazing scene. There are two things that I wanted to add to the drama if I had final cut as a director. 1 - I wanted Bando to eventually go to Go-Yokudo herself, after her make-up with Nobuta, and not get kicked out because the owner sees she has become beautiful and a good person. 2 - The willow tree that was removed in the 1st episode should have appeared at Shuji's new school rather than overseas somewhere. That would have really brought things around. If you think about it, the major characters (Shuji, Akira, Nobuta, Aoi, and Mariko) had a lot of depth. You can't-not think about things and expect the drama to explain everything in the little time they have. Definitely a surprising drama and if you think that any of the storylines were cliche, I bet you Nobuta wo Produce does a better job than most dramas out there. A 10! A f**king 10!


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