Orange Days [オレンジデイズ] It was my first dorama. It gave me a warm feeling inside. Kind of like you were among them. And as always.. very original. I'll always love this one.
Ichi Ritoru no Namida [1リットルの涙] Rating: 10/10 (Watched) Wonderful, heartwarming. And i think i cried about a litre while watching this thing *wipes tears*.
Nobuta wo Produce [野ブタ。をプロデュース] Rating: 10/10 (Watched) Incredibly good! I was skeptical at first, I thought it would be a superficial "production", but it was a great story. I cried at the end.
Orange Days [オレンジデイズ] Rating: 10/10 (Watched) My first drama. I love it. It got me hooked. Always makes me nostalgic about "the beginning".