
Joined: 06 May 2003 Posts: 3779 Location: so. cali, USA Country:   |
Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 7:08 pm Post subject: |
marinakyo wrote: | YES I FOUND MYSELF -_- | what happened? you lost your soul?
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Joined: 23 Apr 2003 Posts: 9069 Location: Neverland
Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 7:09 pm Post subject: |
marinakyo wrote: | YES I FOUND MYSELF -_-
i wanted to remove my question but u answered so fast LOL |
You found yourself? did you lost your soul somewhere? or just lost all of you?
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Joined: 06 May 2003 Posts: 3779 Location: so. cali, USA Country:   |
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Joined: 23 Apr 2003 Posts: 9069 Location: Neverland
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Joined: 30 Nov 2002 Posts: 127 Location: France Country:   |
Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 7:57 pm Post subject: |
Many laugh at my poor english.
I'm sorry, let me correct it :
Finalement j'ai trouve moi meme la solution a propos de la video .exe, il y a tellement de formats differents, on ne s'en sort vraiment plus LOL
J'aime beaucoup ces NG, c'est tres drole. Comme qqun l'a dit plus haut c'est dommage que sur les dvds de dramas ils ne proposent aucun sous titres -_- biensur il y en avait je ne sais pas si je les acheterais, c'est tout de meme cher, $38 pour un !! -_-
Mon franc anglais me joue tjrs des tours
Non je n'ai pas perdu mon ame, quoique...LOL
Un peu de respect pour ceux qui font des efforts en anglais...Et si vous ne comprenez pas un traitre mot de ce que je viens d'ecrire, apprenez donc le francais, vous ferez moins les malins
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Joined: 12 May 2004 Posts: 4207
Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 8:12 pm Post subject: |
marinakyo wrote: |
I'm sorry, let me correct it :
Finalement j'ai trouve moi meme la solution a propos de la video .exe, il y a tellement de formats differents, on ne s'en sort vraiment plus LOL
J'aime beaucoup ces NG, c'est tres drole. Comme qqun l'a dit plus haut c'est dommage que sur les dvds de dramas ils ne proposent aucun sous titres -_- biensur il y en avait je ne sais pas si je les acheterais, c'est tout de meme cher, $38 pour un !! -_-
Mon franc anglais me joue tjrs des tours
Non je n'ai pas perdu mon ame, quoique...LOL
Un peu de respect pour ceux qui font des efforts en anglais...Et si vous ne comprenez pas un traitre mot de ce que je viens d'ecrire, apprenez donc le francais, vous ferez moins les malins  |
vous n'avez pas besoin d'expliquer aux personnes idiotes comme elles.
Elles n'ont rien à mieux faire que sélectionner sur des personnes. Le
premier est une chienne et le second est un chien suivant
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Joined: 30 Nov 2002 Posts: 127 Location: France Country:   |
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Joined: 12 May 2004 Posts: 4207
Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 8:44 pm Post subject: |
marinakyo wrote: |
Amazing !!  |
comme je disais j'ai étudié le français un peu, mais j'ai
triché un peu sur ce qui précède, j'utilise le traducteur en
ligne. Si tout va bien ces imbéciles ci-dessus ne savent pas ce que je
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Joined: 23 Apr 2003 Posts: 9069 Location: Neverland
Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 12:25 pm Post subject: |
marinakyo wrote: |
Un peu de respect pour ceux qui font des efforts en anglais...Et si vous ne comprenez pas un traitre mot de ce que je viens d'ecrire, apprenez donc le francais, vous ferez moins les malins  |
well, though my french is VERY poor almost NIL but at least you can reply it in English. *sigh* Learn French? well, I'm not interested..maybe you should polish your english..lol..
We have FRENCH TOPIC thread:
where you can speak french.
Beside..you two are doing some serious spamming
Last edited by Akakage on Tue Apr 05, 2005 12:36 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Joined: 06 May 2003 Posts: 3779 Location: so. cali, USA Country:   |
Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 12:29 pm Post subject: |
marinakyo wrote: | Many laugh at my poor english.
I'm sorry, let me correct it :
Finalement j'ai trouve moi meme la solution a propos de la video .exe, il y a tellement de formats differents, on ne s'en sort vraiment plus LOL
J'aime beaucoup ces NG, c'est tres drole. Comme qqun l'a dit plus haut c'est dommage que sur les dvds de dramas ils ne proposent aucun sous titres -_- biensur il y en avait je ne sais pas si je les acheterais, c'est tout de meme cher, $38 pour un !! -_-
Mon franc anglais me joue tjrs des tours
Non je n'ai pas perdu mon ame, quoique...LOL
Un peu de respect pour ceux qui font des efforts en anglais...Et si vous ne comprenez pas un traitre mot de ce que je viens d'ecrire, apprenez donc le francais, vous ferez moins les malins  | why cant you say it english?? scared that we might misunderstand you again? i can speak a different langauge too.. but im not just gonna stoop that low and cuss your ass! FYI we do appreciate your english, and no we dont have to learn french, why cant you just clarify it than act like an ass?!
Last edited by MixxDreamer on Tue Apr 05, 2005 12:38 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Joined: 07 Jul 2003 Posts: 125547 Location: Juri-chan's speed dial Country:   |
Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 12:33 pm Post subject: |
yt wrote: |
vous n'avez pas besoin d'expliquer aux personnes idiotes comme elles.
Elles n'ont rien à mieux faire que sélectionner sur des personnes. Le
premier est une chienne et le second est un chien suivant  |
That's pretty rude:
you do not need to explain to the people idiots like them. They do not have anything with better doing than to select on people. first is a bitch and the second is a following dog
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Joined: 07 Jul 2003 Posts: 125547 Location: Juri-chan's speed dial Country:   |
Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 12:37 pm Post subject: |
yt wrote: | comme je disais j'ai étudié le français un peu, mais j'ai
triché un peu sur ce qui précède, j'utilise le traducteur en
ligne. Si tout va bien ces imbéciles ci-dessus ne savent pas ce que je
dis  |
And so is this:
as I said I studied French a little, but I cheated a little on what precedes, I use the translator on line. If all is well these imbeciles above does not know what I say
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Joined: 06 May 2003 Posts: 3779 Location: so. cali, USA Country:   |
Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 12:41 pm Post subject: |
bmwracer wrote: | That's pretty rude:
you do not need to explain to the people idiots like them. They do not have anything with better doing than to select on people. first is a bitch and the second is a following dog | thanks mike,
YT, first of all, calling me a bitch is uncalled for, i admit i do have a few grudge on people but i never called anyone a bitch unless its zitfuck.. if you have something to say, then say it to my face, than speaking your own language, you think you're slick cuz you speak french? but whatever! confront me one on one biAtch, and see if you have something to say.. check my pm.
and MARINAKYO, i dont select and attack random people, and i would've apologized and be more understanding if you tried to clarify it.. i had no problem or anything against none of yall until both of you set the fire... but i guess you do.. if you have the guts to speak french behind my back then PM me and talk to me.
Last edited by MixxDreamer on Tue Apr 05, 2005 2:03 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Joined: 23 Apr 2003 Posts: 9069 Location: Neverland
Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 12:47 pm Post subject: |
bmwracer wrote: |
That's pretty rude:
you do not need to explain to the people idiots like them. They do not have anything with better doing than to select on people. first is a bitch and the second is a following dog |
Yup.. it is.
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Joined: 30 Nov 2002 Posts: 127 Location: France Country:   |
Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 5:23 pm Post subject: |
Yeah thx Mike, we really need u...
Is it a love triangle???
I should tell it to my bunny, my friends, my grand mother...They will support me...
This is H2 topic, maybe u dont know 'read' or u need glasses?
We talked about H2 on 21 pages, then 2 persons appeared and started to laugh becos they saw my poor english...I dont understand why, WHY so sudden? Does my poor english is on the dorama H2 ??
Who act like an ass?
Was weird, u come on the topic, laugh at my english and by miracle ur friend look at the same topic too and support ur joke...
Then another come and support u...Allow me to laugh.
I know the french topic, I'm there, didnt u see my name? U still need glasses??
On the french topic, there are non french ppl who try to speak french and make mistakes, I dont spend my time to laugh at them.
Quote: | Beside..you two are doing some serious spamming |
I'm so sorry, I guess u prefer a 'insult and laugh at ppl' spamming?
But this is not the place for it.
Telling us we spam or act like an ass, isnt it crazy?
Until now we talk about the dorama H2 and nothing else.
I still dont understand why u are on this topic...U even dont talk about the main theme.
Make a topic like "u dont even speak english well LMAO"
Quote: | why cant you say it english?? |
I Just laughed at U, dont worry i didnt say any insults, like I said I dont spend my time laugh at people.
Now I dont care about what u said, I dont care u have been offensed by YT french post, I dont care about ur life, I dont care u speak bad french...
All I care is H2, cos this is H2 topic.
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Joined: 12 May 2004 Posts: 4207
Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 6:29 pm Post subject: |
MixxDreamer wrote: |
and MARINAKYO, i dont select and attack random people, and i would've apologized and be more understanding if you tried to clarify it.. |
yes you do, bc the first thing you come and barge into this topic
and the first thing you say is criticize someones english,
honey you aren't going to get any lovers.
MixxDreamer wrote: |
i had no problem or anything against none of yall until both of you set the fire... but i guess you do.. if you have the guts to speak french behind my back then PM me and talk to me. |
no you first set the fire
saying to someone "lost their soul"
you aint gonna get any nice comments for that...
And yeah, I can speak anything, any language is fine for me
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Joined: 23 Apr 2003 Posts: 9069 Location: Neverland
Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 7:05 pm Post subject: |
marinakyo wrote: |
Yeah thx Mike, we really need u...
Is it a love triangle???
I should tell it to my bunny, my friends, my grand mother...They will support me...
This is H2 topic, maybe u dont know 'read' or u need glasses?
We talked about H2 on 21 pages, then 2 persons appeared and started to laugh becos they saw my poor english...I dont understand why, WHY so sudden? Does my poor english is on the dorama H2 ??
Who act like an ass?
Was weird, u come on the topic, laugh at my english and by miracle ur friend look at the same topic too and support ur joke...
Then another come and support u...Allow me to laugh.
I know the french topic, I'm there, didnt u see my name? U still need glasses??
On the french topic, there are non french ppl who try to speak french and make mistakes, I dont spend my time to laugh at them.
Quote: | Beside..you two are doing some serious spamming |
Telling us we spam or act like an ass, isnt it crazy?
Until now we talk about the dorama H2 and nothing else.
I still dont understand why u are on this topic...U even dont talk about the main theme.
Make a topic like "u dont even speak english well LMAO"
Quote: | why cant you say it english?? |
I Just laughed at U, dont worry i didnt say any insults, like I said I dont spend my time laugh at people.
Now I dont care about what u said, I dont care u have been offensed by YT french post, I dont care about ur life, I dont care u speak bad french...
All I care is H2, cos this is H2 topic. | [/quote]
seriously, you need a major sense of humor. I don't criticize your Bloody ENGLISH. You take things freaking seriously you know that. Did I even correct your grammar? Whatever you say girl...suit yourself, I don't hold grudge upon you anyway.
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Joined: 06 May 2003 Posts: 3779 Location: so. cali, USA Country:   |
Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 7:12 pm Post subject: |
first of all, H2 isnt in french, so what was that? yeh im free to speak my language too but its rude that this forum should be in english.
Quote: | yes you do, bc the first thing you come and barge into this topic
and the first thing you say is criticize someones english,
honey you aren't going to get any lovers. | who said im asking for lovers? lol whos the one being obsessed with yamada? whatever, i have a bf and you dont.
Quote: | no you first set the fire Doh!
saying to someone "lost their soul"
you aint gonna get any nice comments for that...
And yeah, I can speak anything, any language is fine for me | yall have major issues, why are you so sensitive?? whats wrong if i said lose your soul? not like im trying to correct your grammar.. if someone said that to me, id laugh it off BUT i would take them seriously when someone do calls me and my friend a bitch in different language when we're talkin in english.. if someone does that to me in person id shmack yo' face .. so who set the fire? yeh.. uh huh thats what i thought..
and i aint tryn to play the victim.. and even if we did mention to polish your english, well you started on tellin us that we should talk in french... whatever. save yo drama for yo' mama!!
Last edited by MixxDreamer on Tue Apr 05, 2005 7:49 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Joined: 05 Apr 2005 Posts: 2 Location: Japan Country:   |
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Joined: 07 Jul 2003 Posts: 125547 Location: Juri-chan's speed dial Country:   |
Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 10:34 pm Post subject: |
marinakyo wrote: | Yeah thx Mike, we really need u... |
Hey, don't post insulting crap in other languages expecting no one can understand, okay?
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