hey, im watching hito natsu no papa e, but i like moto kare much better. which dramas are you watching darkflame?
recap of wats going on:
my japs not super great, so heres what i thinks going on
---spoiler for those who havent seen episodes 1-3 of hnnpe-----
dad died, mourn, mourn, sob sob.
she used to be close to her mom, bro and sis move in together...
he thinks its cool
she wants out, doesnt feel like she belongs.
that old dude comes along, helps people unite.
she finally feels like she has some family again at the end of ep3.
any Qs? thats what i remember off the top of my head. i missed most of ep2, but its not the most philosophical drama. moto kare is much better. watch it!
u watching waterboys?
all my friends said the movie is much better, so i just saw it last week.
not so great... guys in speedos.... yea....
it woulda totally bombed in the america/anywhere except france.