Hey everyone,
As you may or may not know, Niko2x-oniisan and I are your new Buy, Sell, and Trade section mods. We are in the process of cleaning house here, and it's gonna take a while

We are working on it though. Between us both, we have reduced this forum from 49 pages down to 44 pages, and still going. We have posts selling and asking for trades, dating back to 2001
From what it looks like right now, any buy, sell, and trading inquiries from older than July 2003 WILL BE DELETED. We figure posts asking for titles and those that were for sale have been sold by now (it's been 9 months). I have just hit June 2003 and that is on page 40

So this is what I have to say right now...
in order to help us, please do the following if anything applies to threads you have posted in here:
~If you posted selling VCD's or items a while back (around mid-2003 or anytime where the thread is now WAY BACK there) and you are
still selling them,
Please bump your thread so it is not deleted! In addition, if you have sets or items left, please update with such so people know.
~If you posted looking for a title or trade and you still need the thread open,
Please bump your thread so it is not deleted! If it's for the same title you are still looking for, just bump it and update it. No need to add a totally new post for the same thing just because your first post(s) are outdated.
Anything that looks old and does not have valuable and current information replied thereafter (links to helpful sales or trade sites), it will most likely be deleted. Inquiries for titles with replies linking specific auctions will be deleted because they aren't current or helpful to those looking now or in the near future.
Besides normal posts, old posts that are off topic will probably be deleted rather than moved (if they are
really old). Old BT seeding requests that were NOT posted in the provided sticky will also be deleted. So far we are just cleaning out the older stuff on the later pages (page 30 and later). Anything else will be figured out later....an initial filtering-out cleanup is our main goal. Anything questionable will be locked until we decide. If a thread is locked and you need it, PM one of us.
This section will work a bit differently than other sections of jdorama. When people sell and ask looking for titles, eventually they sell or find it. So when the post is old, still there, and they aren't selling anymore, it's basically wasting space. So this is why we're cleaning

With less pages and more current information, people can better navigate and find helpful information.....sou darou?
Thanks for all of your cooperation in advance....suggestions and comments welcome.
Edit by Niko, 7/20/2004
Althought we are fairly laisez-faire about the contents of this section, we will not however, tolerate spamming. If you got JPN media you'd like to trade or sell, do it here, by all means. But if you got stuff that is in no way shape or form related to anything with asian media, that post will be deleted or locked WITHOUT WARNING!!