
Joined: 24 Jun 2002 Posts: 4009 Location: East Coast, US Country:   |
Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 4:46 am Post subject: |
�����\�I���I�i���炵�Ⴂ�܂��@in okinawan language�jBeing that aho is king of the�@���x���Ai guess i can start this thread of to let the rest of the peeps here about the language in Okinawa, called hougen. Hougen is an Okinawan language. There are different kinds of Hougen all over different parts of Okinawa.
This language is different than other languages. It even sounds different from the Japanese language. Okinawa has it's own culture which is a cross between the surrounding Asian communities. Until WWII the Okinawan people primarily spoke their native language. Only a handful of Okinawans can still speak it fluently. This language is kept alive in their traditional dances and songs. But recently, more and more of the youth is adopting to learn the language that was outlawed after the 2md world war. (JPN prohibited the language to be taught in school) You can see that it is NOT written in hiragana for in JPN, hougen is considered a foreign language. Here a a good site that I borrowed some data from:
Hogen: The Okinawan Language
But to differenentiate in the languages, here are some examples: Hiragana = JPNese, Katakana = hougen
Good Morning
���͂悤�������܂� (ohiyogozaimasu)
�E�D�L���V�F�[�r�e�B�[ (ukinnsyebitee)
Excuse me
���V�����r�^�� (yuushiriyabitan)
Thank you very much
���肪�Ƃ��������܂� (arigatougozaimasu)
�j�t�F�[�f�[�r�� (nifedebiru)
This ones a doozy:
How are you?
�����C�ł��� (ogenkidesuka)
�E�u�N���W���i�V�B�[�~�V�F�[�r�[�e�B�[ (ubukunnjanasyemisyebeetee)
See the difference?  I'll think up some more that is not on the list. This thread may or may not be just about language as well, because okinawa is SO different from JPN, with more in common with China than anything else. I expect aho and amurayu to contribute as well.  Later! _________________
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The Man
Joined: 10 Jul 2003 Posts: 1249 Location: USA Country:   |
Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 4:49 am Post subject: JOKE, OK, LOOK! JOKE! |
So, one who can master the Okinawan language would be correct in . . . um . . . er . . . a . . . um . . . assessing himself or herself as . . . uh . . . um . . . among Hogen's Heroes? or Ho ugen's Heroes?
Oh, c'mon, it was BOUND to be said!
I'll be here all week, folks . . . drive safely.
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Joined: 01 Oct 2003 Posts: 10291 Location: Matsuhama-cho, Ashiya-shi, Hyogo-ken, Japan Country:   |
Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 6:12 am Post subject: |
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Joined: 15 Jul 2003 Posts: 582 Location: san francisco, USA Country:   |
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Joined: 24 Jun 2002 Posts: 4009 Location: East Coast, US Country:   |
Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 11:09 pm Post subject: |
ahochaude wrote: | Hey Niko, thanks. I never knew those words!
..................Oh and I like Andagi!  | Now you can shoot the breeze with baba when she's making you some sahtan andagi! You know for a guy, you sure like sweets. Most/all the guys i know prefer salty snacks vs. sweets. (for those who don't know, andagi is like an okinawan donut).
amrayu wrote: | mensoure! Very few okinawans know hougen. mostly grandmas and grandpas know hougen. one of my friend's grandma only spoke hougen. so i didn't know what the heck she was saying to me. some of the kids my age only knew a few words in hougen, so don't feel bad aho if you don't know many words..  | I knew i can get you in here! Actually, nowadays a lot of teens are "getting back to the basics" and actually have hougen classes for them to take. As you know, uchinanchu are VERY proud of the fact that they are Okinawans first, then JPN, and it goes hand in hand wth hougen.
Other ways to say mensore:
�E�`�F�[���V�F�[�r�e�B�[ (uchennsyebit)
�C�����V�F�[�r�� - (imennsyebiri)  _________________
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Joined: 24 Jun 2002 Posts: 4009 Location: East Coast, US Country:   |
Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 11:13 pm Post subject: Re: JOKE, OK, LOOK! JOKE! |
The Man wrote: | So, one who can master the Okinawan language would be correct in . . . um . . . er . . . a . . . um . . . assessing himself or herself as . . . uh . . . um . . . among Hogen's Heroes? or Hougen's Heroes?
Oh, c'mon, it was BOUND to be said!
I'll be here all week, folks . . . drive safely. | Master of the one-liner, would the man be related to henny youngman? (yeah i know, old school) Some of henny's one-liner:
http://www.funny2.com/henny.htm _________________
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The Man
Joined: 10 Jul 2003 Posts: 1249 Location: USA Country:   |
Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2004 3:27 am Post subject: Re: JOKE, OK, LOOK! JOKE! |
niko2x wrote: | Master of the one-liner, would the man be related to henny youngman? (yeah i know, old school) Some of henny's one-liner:
http://www.funny2.com/henny.htm |
In fact, niko2x, [The Man claws at bottom left side of face, begins to rip off flesh-colored mask, � la M:I 2, then reveals . . .]
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Joined: 01 Oct 2003 Posts: 10291 Location: Matsuhama-cho, Ashiya-shi, Hyogo-ken, Japan Country:   |
Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2004 11:33 am Post subject: |
Niko2x wrote: | You know for a guy, you sure like sweets. Most/all the guys i know prefer salty snacks vs. sweets. (for those who don't know, andagi is like an okinawan donut). |
It's not that I have a sweet tooth or anything! (I don't really snack at all)
But it's just that I love andagi. Hardly ever have the chance to eat it that's why. _________________
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Joined: 15 Jul 2003 Posts: 582 Location: san francisco, USA Country:   |
Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2004 1:03 pm Post subject: |
niko2x wrote: | I knew i can get you in here! Actually, nowadays a lot of teens are "getting back to the basics" and actually have hougen classes for them to take. As you know, uchinanchu are VERY proud of the fact that they are Okinawans first, then JPN, and it goes hand in hand wth hougen.
Other ways to say mensore:
�E�`�F�[���V�F�[�r�e�B�[ (uchennsyebit)
�C�����V�F�[�r�� - (imennsyebiri)  |
yes okinawans are very proud to be okinawans. one of the gifts that my host parents gave me was an uchinanchu t-shirt. it said something like proud to be uchinanchu in japanese. and it had a shisa wearing karate gear..
heres some pics of me when i was there in 96 (my first time). middle school host sister, me, and my high school host sister
<img src="http://userwww.sfsu.edu/~duonguye/pics/okinawa1.JPG"><br>me on a statue outside of gyokusendo
<img src="http://userwww.sfsu.edu/~duonguye/pics/okinawa2.JPG"><br>me and my host sister inside gyokusendo, oh yah! i'm wearing loose socks..
<img src="http://userwww.sfsu.edu/~duonguye/pics/okinawa3.JPG"><br> _________________
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Joined: 15 Jul 2003 Posts: 582 Location: san francisco, USA Country:   |
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2004 1:08 pm Post subject: |
ahochaude wrote: | Damn girl! You are HOT!!! I should cancel the Uchiyama Rina gallery and start one of you instead! *LOL*
amrayu, take me now! *LOL*  |
its the high school girl uniform huh?? lol
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Joined: 01 Oct 2003 Posts: 10291 Location: Matsuhama-cho, Ashiya-shi, Hyogo-ken, Japan Country:   |
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2004 1:12 pm Post subject: |
amrayu wrote: |
its the high school girl uniform huh?? lol
No, it's not the high school uniform that makes the woman.
The woman makes the high school uniform hot!!!!!
You work it girl! *LOL* _________________
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Joined: 15 Jul 2003 Posts: 582 Location: san francisco, USA Country:   |
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2004 1:29 pm Post subject: |
ahochaude wrote: |
No, it's not the high school uniform that makes the woman.
The woman makes the high school uniform hot!!!!!
You work it girl! *LOL* |
hazukashii.. ... aho  _________________
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Joined: 01 Oct 2003 Posts: 10291 Location: Matsuhama-cho, Ashiya-shi, Hyogo-ken, Japan Country:   |
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2004 1:43 pm Post subject: |
amrayu wrote: |  |
That's the spirit!
amrayu wrote: | hazukashii.. ... aho  |
Don't be! If you were like, 400lbs or missing an eye, then ok, I can understand.
But you're so hot!
*snaps fingers and speaks with gay accent*
Flaunt it and work it honey!
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Joined: 14 Dec 2001 Posts: 1837 Location: United States Country:   |
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2004 8:29 pm Post subject: |
ahochaude wrote: |
Don't be! If you were like, 400lbs or missing an eye, then ok, I can understand.
But you're so hot!
*snaps fingers and speaks with gay accent*
Flaunt it and work it honey!
OMFG!!!!! LOL!!! Missing an eye, oh sweet Jesus, that was damn funny.
Btw amrayu, you are cute in those pics
Now I feel a little better.....standard Japanese is ok in Okinawa, so I need to add that to my list of places to go
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Joined: 01 Oct 2003 Posts: 10291 Location: Matsuhama-cho, Ashiya-shi, Hyogo-ken, Japan Country:   |
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2004 8:42 pm Post subject: |
KouSeiya315 wrote: | OMFG!!!!! LOL!!! Missing an eye, oh sweet Jesus, that was damn funny. |
Hey! But it's true!
I wouldn't think she were hot if she were like the witches in the "Dark Crystal"! *LOL*
But as far as I know her to be, she is like a dream to me!
*edit* (Just seen this and I sound kind of like Ali or something.... )
Kouseiya315 wrote: | Btw amrayu, you are cute in those pics  |
Ain't she?! She's smoking hot in those pics!!! *LOL* And her recent ones are even better!!!!!! Lovin' it all the way!!!!!!!
Koyseiya315 wrote: | Now I feel a little better.....standard Japanese is ok in Okinawa, so I need to add that to my list of places to go  | BEAUTIFUL BEACHES!!!!!!!!! -So I've heard at least. _________________
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Joined: 24 Jun 2002 Posts: 4009 Location: East Coast, US Country:   |
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2004 10:03 pm Post subject: |
amrayu wrote: | me on a statue outside of gyokusendo
<img src="http://userwww.sfsu.edu/~duonguye/pics/okinawa2.JPG"><br>me and my host sister inside gyokusendo, oh yah! i'm wearing loose socks..
<img src="http://userwww.sfsu.edu/~duonguye/pics/okinawa3.JPG"><br> | shisa ya bin!
�ʐ�, i remember that place. Hey aho, this cave is awesome, and near itoman as well. It used to be a hiding out spot by the JPN imperial army, BTW.
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Joined: 15 Jul 2003 Posts: 582 Location: san francisco, USA Country:   |
Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 5:06 am Post subject: |
niko2x wrote: | shisa ya bin!
�ʐ�, i remember that place. Hey aho, this cave is awesome, and near itoman as well. It used to be a hiding out spot by the JPN imperial army, BTW. |
yah the caves even though you would think they were cold.. boy it was still hot in there.
thanks for the compliments minna.. you make me blush..  _________________
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Joined: 01 Oct 2003 Posts: 10291 Location: Matsuhama-cho, Ashiya-shi, Hyogo-ken, Japan Country:   |
Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 11:05 am Post subject: |
niko2x wrote: | shisa ya bin!
�ʐ�, i remember that place. Hey aho, this cave is awesome, and near itoman as well. It used to be a hiding out spot by the JPN imperial army, BTW. |
Cool! When I get the chance, I may go and check it out.
You gotta give me some directions though. (later)
How deep is that cave anyway? I don't think I've ever been in a cave before.
amrayu wrote: | yah the caves even though you would think they were cold.. boy it was still hot in there. |
It sounds hot esp since Okinawa is very subtropical.
I can imagine (kind of) how hot it is.  _________________
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