
Joined: 14 Aug 2002 Posts: 103 Location: Tokyo Japan boyeee! Country:   |
Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2003 7:16 am Post subject: |
motsureru wrote: | Although Jap is used in the context of an abbreviation on this forum....as another Japanese/American I must agree with Sarujin and say that it is indeed offensive.
It really should be wiped from everyones vocabulary as to not offend.....
Wait I have an idea! If we complain enough about people using it and get it where you hardly ever hear the word.... us Japanese could then pull a double standard and use it to refer to other Japanese in general street conversation. But only Japanese to another Japanese....You know kinda like African Americans do.
Im Jk  |
oh yea i could imagine that one.....the conversation might go something like this:
Asan: Yo whuttup mah Jap?!
Bsan: Yo yo nuffin dawg, hows it goin Jap?
Asan: s'coo s'coo.... juss hanging in there doin mah job 9-5 yah know mah Jap?
Bsan: w3rd w3rd... A Japs gotta do what a Japs gotta do mah Jap
Asan: i hear yah Jap......i hear yah...
hrmm.....somehow i don;'t see a conversation like that happening in the future LOL!
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Joined: 24 Jun 2002 Posts: 4009 Location: East Coast, US Country:   |
Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2003 2:42 am Post subject: Re: Politically Correct |
Sean wrote: | I had a teacher whose name is 'James', but he insists that people should only call him 'James' and stick to that, no other variations like 'Jim', 'Jimmy', etc. Is there anything wrong? Well, always address people using the names which they prefer to. | I don't think this has anything to do with the topic at hand..... _________________
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Joined: 24 Dec 2003 Posts: 25 Location: US- Honolulu, Hawaii Country:   |
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Joined: 05 Jan 2004 Posts: 3 Location: USA Country:   |
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Joined: 24 Jun 2002 Posts: 4009 Location: East Coast, US Country:   |
Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 10:28 pm Post subject: |
tsuyoshi13 wrote: | if people like you would quit your bitching the word "jap" would slowly lose it's racist meaning and become what everyone is actually referring it to... a shortening of the word japanese! | um, hello there, "sensitive one", I'm taking this that you aren't JPNese. Well, I'm sure the world would live to forget the racist meaning behind the word so YOU can be lazy and not have to type J-a-p-a-n-e-s-e.
During WW2, there were a lot of hate and discontent with the JPN race here in the U.S. and the people of JPN descent will have a hard time to forget. I'm sure you are of one particular group (chinese, black, jewish, gay, whatever) and have a derogetory name for you as well, and I'm sure you would not like it if you're singled out and stuff. I can be more graphic, but since I think you just opened up a huge can of beans, I'll let others ride you. Aho, you know what to do. _________________
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Joined: 05 Jan 2004 Posts: 3 Location: USA Country:   |
Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 11:19 pm Post subject: |
tsuyoshi13 wrote: | if people like you would quit your bitching the word "jap" would slowly lose it's racist meaning and become what everyone is actually referring it to... a shortening of the word japanese! |
I was Enjoying AZUMI. You now have tainted the taste in my mouth with disbelief. You are a very unscrupulous person. I suggest you find some scruples and come back and apologize. SHOW SOME RESPECT! Just because this word doesn�ft apply to you doesn�ft mean we can forget what pain it has caused. PEOPLE LIKE ME?!?!? Hah�c IT WILL NOT LOSE ITS MEANING!
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Joined: 07 Jul 2003 Posts: 125547 Location: Juri-chan's speed dial Country:   |
Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 11:51 pm Post subject: |
niko2x wrote: | um, hello there, "sensitive one", I'm taking this that you aren't JPNese. Well, I'm sure the world would live to forget the racist meaning behind the word so YOU can be lazy and not have to type J-a-p-a-n-e-s-e.
During WW2, there were a lot of hate and discontent with the JPN race here in the U.S. and the people of JPN descent will have a hard time to forget. I'm sure you are of one particular group (chinese, black, jewish, gay, whatever) and have a derogetory name for you as well, and I'm sure you would not like it if you're singled out and stuff. I can be more graphic, but since I think you just opened up a huge can of beans, I'll let others ride you. Aho, you know what to do. |
On the mark, Niko.
I don't recall the N-word losing its racist meaning after two-plus centuries of use...
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Joined: 05 Jan 2004 Posts: 3 Location: USA Country:   |
Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2004 1:02 am Post subject: |
tsuyoshi13 wrote: | the fact that the racist wwi term and what unknowing people use to shorten a word a just a coincidence. maybe you should look for context in a sentence before judging whether a person is being racial or not. this is what maya failed to do.
so our american grandfathers called your american grandfathers a shortened word. what about when groups of people are referred to as "whites" or "blacks." this isn't considered racist, but it's underlyingly the same thing as saying jap as opposed to japanese. the point is, you're all just being whiny bitches |
Your reply is SO? You are intolerable. You deserve what you have coming to you. I would appreciate it if you wouldn�ft use that kind of language. I am not bitching. Nether am I a bitch nor anyone else here.
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Joined: 07 Jul 2003 Posts: 125547 Location: Juri-chan's speed dial Country:   |
Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2004 3:01 am Post subject: |
tsuyoshi13 wrote: | the fact that the racist wwi term and what unknowing people use to shorten a word a just a coincidence. maybe you should look for context in a sentence before judging whether a person is being racial or not. this is what maya failed to do.
so our american grandfathers called your american grandfathers a shortened word. what about when groups of people are referred to as "whites" or "blacks." this isn't considered racist, but it's underlyingly the same thing as saying jap as opposed to japanese. the point is, you're all just being whiny bitches |
Christ! Would it be too much to ask to show some sensitivity??
Y'know if we're too whiny for you, take your crap somewhere else. We don't need it or want it.
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Joined: 05 Jan 2004 Posts: 7
Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2004 4:16 am Post subject: |
motsureru wrote: | I think its stupid to argue over, I mean is it seriously going to cripple your conversation if you refrain from using racial slurs??? Look its offensive ok, accept it.
Why is it that some people have a lack of common sense and are to hell bent on bucking the code of proper etiquette to realize that its not worth wasting there time over?? Your not going to change the world by refusing to agree that some words have a historically offensive stigmas behind them. By being ignorant you only ostracize yourself and make things worse.
Jeez, its not even that long of a word!!!  |
the same can be said for both sides of the argument. a lot of people don't think it's racial so accept it. it's not worth wasting time over.
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Joined: 05 Jan 2004 Posts: 7
Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2004 6:50 am Post subject: |
bmwracer wrote: |
Christ! Would it be too much to ask to show some sensitivity?? |
that's the most hypocritical sentence i've read in the last 5 minutes. you aren't being very sensitive to followers of christianity using the Lord's name in vain like that. what an ass...
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Joined: 07 Jul 2003 Posts: 125547 Location: Juri-chan's speed dial Country:   |
Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2004 7:15 am Post subject: |
tsuyoshi13 wrote: |
that's the most hypocritical sentence i've read in the last 5 minutes. you aren't being very sensitive to followers of christianity using the Lord's name in vain like that. |
Don't try to divert the conversation to another topic just because you can't justify your insensitivity towards Japanese-Americans.
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Joined: 05 Jan 2004 Posts: 7
Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2004 7:33 am Post subject: |
bmwracer wrote: |
Don't try to divert the conversation to another topic just because you can't justify your insensitivity towards Japanese-Americans. |
dont call a fault on me when you're just as bad
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Joined: 01 Jan 1970 Posts: 1223
Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2004 8:01 am Post subject: |
Summarizing tsuyoshi13's logic, the person being affected must make the adjustment. That's basically what he's saying. If you took this logic and apply it to real-world situations:
- All non-smokers must move to another part of town, or eat at a different restaurant. Smokers have every right to affect non-smokers' health and overall well-being because smoking tobacco is legal, and smokers have every right to smoke. And, oh, did I mention that the American indians smoked in the U.S. centuries ago? So why change things????
- U.S. Homeland Security would use common ethnic stereotypes as part of their overall profiling practice. Hey, they didn't come up with the stereotypes, but seeing they're out there might as well use them, right?
- A friend of mine wants to eat at a vegetarian restaurant. I hate vegetables. Because I'm tagging along with him, I have every right to bring a McDonald's double-quarterpounder and eat it in front of everyone. Hey, it's convenient for me! Let the vegetarians deal with it!
- On my next trip to India, I'm going to see if I can find any Sizzler or Stuart Anderson restaurants there because after a long flight, I'd be in the mood for a thick, juicy porterhouse steak. And if I can't, I'm going to file a complaint. Why can't India cater to my needs???????
The golden rule is: No matter what your personal culture/beliefs/background is, ALWAYS make the adjustments when working with another person. It's just as simple as that!!!!!
Who cares what you think or don't think. If someone takes offense because of a word you use, or a hand gesture you make, or what you smell like, you put a stop to it. It is much better to make compromises than to expect others to cope with your ignorance.
--- groink
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Joined: 15 Sep 2003 Posts: 154 Location: USA Country:   |
Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2004 9:41 am Post subject: |
groink wrote: | Summarizing tsuyoshi13's logic, the person being affected must make the adjustment. That's basically what he's saying. If you took this logic and apply it to real-world situations:
- All non-smokers must move to another part of town, or eat at a different restaurant. Smokers have every right to affect non-smokers' health and overall well-being because smoking tobacco is legal, and smokers have every right to smoke. And, oh, did I mention that the American indians smoked in the U.S. centuries ago? So why change things????
- U.S. Homeland Security would use common ethnic stereotypes as part of their overall profiling practice. Hey, they didn't come up with the stereotypes, but seeing they're out there might as well use them, right?
- A friend of mine wants to eat at a vegetarian restaurant. I hate vegetables. Because I'm tagging along with him, I have every right to bring a McDonald's double-quarterpounder and eat it in front of everyone. Hey, it's convenient for me! Let the vegetarians deal with it!
- On my next trip to India, I'm going to see if I can find any Sizzler or Stuart Anderson restaurants there because after a long flight, I'd be in the mood for a thick, juicy porterhouse steak. And if I can't, I'm going to file a complaint. Why can't India cater to my needs???????
The golden rule is: No matter what your personal culture/beliefs/background is, ALWAYS make the adjustments when working with another person. It's just as simple as that!!!!!
Who cares what you think or don't think. If someone takes offense because of a word you use, or a hand gesture you make, or what you smell like, you put a stop to it. It is much better to make compromises than to expect others to cope with your ignorance.
--- groink |
That was a great post. Ha ha. Tsuyoshi just got owned
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