I though it might be fun to play shiritori to learn some new words.

(That's why I posted this in learn japanese section). You may have seen this in a drama or a movie.
What is it?
Shiritori (����Ƃ�) is a Japanese word game in which the players are required to say a word which begins with the final kana of the previous word. No distinction is made between hiragana, katakana and kanji.
Basic Rules
* Two or more people take turns to play.
* Only nouns are permitted.
* A player who plays a word ending in the syllable N (��) loses the game.
* Words may not be repeated.
* Phrases connected by no (��) are permitted, but only in those cases where the phrase is sufficiently fossilized to be considered a "word".
Example: sakura (������)-> rajio (���W�I/�炶��)-> onigiri (���ɂ���)-> risu (�肷)-> sumou (������) -> udon (���ǂ�)
The player who played the word udon lost this game.
Optional Rules
* Dakuten and handakuten may be ignored. Thus furo (�ӂ�) can follow suupu (���[��).
* A long vowel may either be ignored or considered as a vowel. Mikisaa (�~�L�T�[/�݂����[) can be followed by either sakura or aki (����).
* Two words spelled with same kana but use different kanji may be permitted. For example Su (��) can be spelled as "��", lit. a birdnest, and "�|", lit. vinegar.
(Added so we don't ran out of words

* Since we aren't native and it's to learn stuff, it would be nice to add the English definition and, maybe, romaji. If the word is in kanji, add the kana.
To type in kana you can try:
JWPce (you can get definitions too).
For definitions, anything with edict should be fine like
JquickTrans or use the JDorama's dictionary (JDict) next to the Top 50.
I'll do a little example and start.
�F, [����], kuma, (n) bear (animal)
��, [�܂�], matsuri, (n) festival/feast