Boku wa Dan desu. Osutorariya-jin desu. Nihon ni sunde imashita. Eigo sensei deshita. Sono 'taimu' wa...ii na. *cry cry*
Ima, jibun no nihongo wa...chou warui da you. Ippai kotoba wa wasureta. *waah waah*
So, I've just happened to land on this website. I was searching for something, then googling something else when I got here. I haven't even watched a JDrama for ages. The last one I saw was 'Nihonjin no Shirania Nihongo" which I thought was relevant since it was a bunch of gaijins trying to learn Japanese. (but man were they awesome or what!?)
So people of this site, how can I fully make this work for me? Can I make Japanese and non Japanese friends here who I can try and practise with? I am forgeting so much now because I haven't been able to practise with anyone. There seem to be so much in this website and I have time against me.
Help...<How do say that in Japanese again???
