Joined: 01 Jan 1970 Posts: 1223
Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 10:55 am Post subject: Usenet Newsgroups - New Post and Repost Requests |
Okay... I did actually search through JDorama.com to see if a topic of this sort already existed. Though other topics do mention newsgroups somewhere, there isn't any one particular topic dedicated to requests on newsgroups. Though people already do post requests on the newsgroups themselves, not too many people actually read them. For me, the filters on my binary news reader block many of the non-binary messages.
With all that in mind, I'd like to start a topic for newsgroup fans that's identical in function to the other trading/sharing topics, including the BitTorrent Seed Request and Streamload Request topics. I do, however, want to suggest that you still post your requests on the newgroups themselves as a primary source, and use this very topic as a secondary or backup source.
I'd like for this topic to be used for the following:
Requests for posting of either complete episodes, series, or parts of an episode. Here are some example requests:
I'm missing Hagure Keiji 15 ep09, RAR parts 26 and 37. Please re-post.
Please re-post Soko ga Shiritai episode "A Women's Crossroads: I'm 29 Years Old"
Could someone please post more PAR2 blocks for Hoshi No Kinka Ep07?
Could a kind sole please post the entire Kinpachi Sensei 6 series? It is assumed that (unless otherwise specified) all requests refer to either alt.binaries.multimedia.japanese or alt.binaries.multimedia.japanese.repost. Also, when making requests here, the requests should fit within the guidelines set in the a.b.m.japanese Frequently Asked Questions document, which can be downloaded from here:
Hopefully, the mods here can make this topic a sticky.
Have fun!!!!
--- groink
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Joined: 14 Dec 2001 Posts: 1837 Location: United States Country:   |
Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 12:27 pm Post subject: Re: Usenet Newsgroups - Requests |
groink wrote: |
Hopefully, the mods here can make this topic a sticky.
Yeah, no problem. I don't know if many people here are big newsgroup users, but it'll be here just in case I'm gonna edit your title a little bit too...
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Joined: 28 Apr 2004 Posts: 5
Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 11:08 pm Post subject: |
Please post all of the CH subbed rmvb version of Gokusen ごくせん
if possible.
everyone should check with their provider to see if they have newsgroup access trust me all of the hard work is worth it. Err, the hard work only STARTS when you figured out that you do have access from your provider though
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Joined: 01 Jan 1970 Posts: 1223
Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 2:13 am Post subject: |
I've just posted Hagure Keiji Junjoha 15, episode 10 (Eng subs, MPEG-1/VCD). I'll post episode 11 this weekend.
Title: Hagure Keiji Junjoha 15
Episode: 10 of 26
Recorded: 7/21/2003
Source: KIKU-TV, Honolulu, Hawaii
Time: 44 minutes, 56 seconds
Genre: Japanese crime drama
Description: Fujita Makoto returns as Yasuura, the detective with a heart,
in new stories of crime-solving in Japan. Like Columbo, he comes off as
somewhat tired and inept, but his sympathetic nature has him seeking the
whys and wherefores behind the crimes and the criminals. (KIKU-TV)
Capturer: groink http://www.macgeek.org/jdrama/
Video/audio codec: MPEG-1, VCD compatible
Posted to: alt.binaries.multimedia.japanese
Posting date: 8/27/2004
Fills: Please submit all fill requests to the a.b.m.japanese newsgroup or http://www.jdorama.com/viewtopic.5461.htm
Notes: As I announced earlier, I'll be posting episodes 9 through 26.
Schedule of my postings is still in the works. A number of you saw my
upload of episode 17, and voted to have additional episodes posted.
As of this writing, episodes 9 through 16 will be in MPEG-1/VCD format.
Episode 17 was already posted. Episodes 18 through 26 will be in
DiVX 5.1/MP3 format.
--- groink
--- groink
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Joined: 01 Jan 1970 Posts: 1223
Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 4:57 pm Post subject: |
Binary postings during period of 07/07/2004 through 07/31/2004
(All dates recorded are via GigaNews. Other news servers may differ.)
Recoded by groink
Purpose: This is a listing of all binaries posted to a.b.m.j. for a given period of time mentioned above. This is useful for finding out if something was posted or not.
Note 1: I do not record fills or non-binary postings.
Note 2: I only indicate subtitle language used if it's described in the subject header.
Note 3: This is only a recording of the postings. This is by no means a listing of groink's collection, so please do not write to him for fills or re-postings.
Vintage Soko Ga Shiritai "Country Living"
Chuushigura VCD C-Sub
Antique Cake Store ep09-[jem]
The Best Lover VCD 1 C-Sub
Antique Cake Store ep10-[jem]
101st Marriage Proposal ep07 RAW
Miman City VCD 1 C-Sub
To Love You More VCD 4 C-Sub
Bus Stop ep2 [jtv]
Continue VCD 2 C-Sub
Soko Ga Shiritai "Oshu Highway by Bus"
To Love You More VCD 5 C-Sub
Antique Cake Store ep11#[jem]
Fujiwara Norika VCD swimwear
Trailor - Takashi Miike - Izo
Continue VCD 3 C-Sub
Bus Stop ep1 [jtv] REPACK and RE-PAR
My Little Chef ep10[ap]
Akaya's Surprise English Lesson - 02-04-12 Tsuji Nozomi - Really
Akaya's Surprise English Lesson - 02-08-19 Takahashi Ai - I'm down
Akaya's Surprise English Lesson - 02-08-20 Yaguchi Mari - Stop fooling around
Akaya's Surprise English Lesson - 01-04-02 Yaguchi Mari - Where is the bus stop
Akaya's Surprise English Lesson - 01-04-05 Nakazawa Yko - Could you hurry please
Akaya's Surprise English Lesson - 01-04-11 Nakazawa Yuko - How long does it take if you walk
Akaya's Surprise English Lesson - 01-04-16 Kago Ai - I want to stay at a reasonable priced hotel
Akaya's Surprise English Lesson - 01-04-26 Yoshizawa Hitomi - This is a bit expensive
Akaya's Surprise English Lesson - 01-05-08 Yasuda Kei - Do you have cheaper ones
Akaya's Surprise English Lesson - 01-05-14 Kago Ai - Which direction is north
Akaya's Surprise English Lesson - 01-05-16 Yaguchi Mari - May I have a pair of chopsticks
Akaya's Surprise English Lesson - 01-05-28 Yaguchi Mari - I'm just looking
Akaya's Surprise English Lesson - 01-05-31 Kago Ai - What kind of dessert do you have
Akaya's Surprise English Lesson - 01-06-04 Yasuda Kei - It's too cold in this room
Akaya's Surprise English Lesson - 01-06-06 Iida Kaori - May I have a receipt please
Akaya's Surprise English Lesson - 01-06-07 Ishikawa Rika - When is the next train coming
Akaya's Surprise English Lesson - 01-07-12 Tsuji Nozomi - What are you doing now
The Best Lover VCD 2 C-sub
Miman City VCD 2 C-sub
Dust Off's Battle Royale DIVX subtitle file only 1.02
Dust Off's Battle Royale DIVX subtitle file only v3
Dust Off's Hikaru Genji Monogatari subtitle file only
Loved to Love ep02
Kamen Rider V3 - Episode 4 "V3's 26 Secrets"
The Best Lover VCD 3 C-sub
The Best Lover VCD 4 C-sub
Shinsengumi! Ep15 (esub,svcd)
Continue VCD 4 C-Sub
The Best Lover VCD 5 C-sub
Koibumi 1 (Love Letter) ep1
Continue VCD 5 C-Sub
Next Stop Discovery - Episode 3 "Spring Winds in the Bay City"
The Best Lover VCD 6 C-Sub
Continue VCD 6 C-Sub
Loved to Love ep3
Next Stop Discovery - Episode 4 "The Yamanote Line"
Ayaka's Suprise English Lesson - 02-08-23 Konno Asami - I have a sweet tooth
Ayaka's Suprise English Lesson - 02-08-30 Goto Maki - Come join us
Ayaka's Suprise English Lesson - 02-09-03 Konno Asami - I'm leaving
Ayaka's Suprise English Lesson - 02-09-05 Ogawa Makoto - I'm in trouble
To Love You More VCD 6-C-Sub
Koibumi 2 (Love Letter) ep2
Tengoku no honya Movie's MTV
Loved to Love ep4
Vintage Soko Ga Shiritai "Beneath the City of Tokyo"
Koibumi 3 (Love Letter) ep3
Continue VCD 7 C-Sub
The Best Lover VCD 7 C-Sub
101st Marriage Proposal ep08 RAW
Continue VCD 8 C-Sub
Ace wo nerae [jtv] ep02
Loved to Love ep5
Continue VCD 9 C-Sub
Koibumi 4 (Love Letter) ep4
To Love You More VCD 7end C-Sub
Soko Ga Shiritai "Frozen Foods"
Miracle of Love VCD 4end C-Sub
The Best Lover VCD 9 C-Sub
Miracle of Love VCD 5 C-Sub
Loved to Love ep6
Kamen Rider V3 - Episode 5 "Snake-Man"
Koibumi ep5 (Love Letter)
Futari, Two People VCD 1 C-Sub
Continue VCD 10 C-Sub
kougen e irasshai 1
Futari, Two People VCD 2 C-sub
Say You Love Me - ep1
Next Stop Discovery - Episode 5 "City Train Arakawa Line"
Continue VCD 11end C-Sub
Miracle of Love VCD 6 C-Sub
Shinsengumi! ep16 (esub,svcd)
Next Stop Discovery - Episode 6 "Spring on the Toremida Line"
Futari, Two People VCD 3 C-Sub
Loved to Love ep7
koibumi ep6 (Love Letter)
Miracle of Love VCD 7 C-Sub
Vintage Soko Ga Shiritai "Korakuen Stadium"
The Best Lover VCD 10 C-Sub
Miracle of Love VCD 8end C-Sub
Loved to Love ep8
Heaven's Coins 3 ep3 (the missing ep)
Koibumi ep7 (Love Letter)
The Best Lover VCD 11end C-Sub
Sekai no Chuushin de Ai o Sakebu ep1 C-Sub
Hoshi No Kinka [A.D.Clan] ep05
Mimami ep1 C-Sub
Say You Love Me ep2
Loved to Love ep9
MiMan City VCD 3 C-Sub
101st Marriage Propsal ep09 RAW
Sekai no Chuushin de Ai o Sakebu ep2 C-Sub
MiMan City VCD 4 C-Sub
Soko Ga Shiritai "I'm Not Afraid of Shinjuku"
Futari, Two People VCD 4 C-Sub
kobumi ep8 (Love Letter)
Loved to Love ep10 last episode
Moon Child (movie in 1 VCD) E+C-Sub
Futari, Two People VCD 5 C-Sub
kougen e irasshai 2
Minan City VCD 5 C-Sub
Kamen Rider V3 - Episode 6 "Enter, Hammer-Kurage!"
Futari, Two People VCD 6 C-Sub
kobumi ep9 (Love Letter)
Minami ep2 C-Sub
Shiroi Kyoto ep01 (1978)
Koukou Kyoushi 2003 ep9[jtv]
Futari, Two People VCD 7 C-Sub
Next Stop Discovery - Episode 7 "The Enoden Line in Kamakura"
Sekai no Chuushin de Ai o Sakebu ep3 C-Sub
Shinsengumi! Ep17 (esub,svcd)
Koinu no Warustsu ep1 C-Sub
Next Stop Discovery - Episode 8 "The Saikyou Line"
Minan City VCD 6 C-Sub
101st Marriage Proposal ep10 RAW
Shiroi Kyoto ep02 (1978)
Koinu no Warustsu ep2 C-Sub
Minan City VCD 7 C-Sub
Koibumi ep10 (Love Letter) Last ep
Koinu no Warustsu ep3 C-Sub
Vintage Soko Ga Shiritai "Computer Crime"
Shiroi Kyoto ep03 (1978)
Minan City VCD 8 C-Sub
Miman City VCD 9 C-Sub
Shiroi Kyoto ep04 (1978)
Love, Ippon ep1 C-Sub
Say You Love Me ep3
101st Marriage Proposal ep12 RAW
Shiroi Kyoto ep05 (1978)
Shiroi Kyoto ep06 (1978)
Shiroi Kyoto ep07 (1978)
Manhattan Love Story VCD 1 C-Sub
Miman City 10end C-Sub
Shiroi Kyoto ep08 (1978)
Shiroi Kyoto ep09 (1978)
Kamen Rider V3 - Episode 01 groink
Manhattan Love Story VCD 2 C-Sub
Into a Bright Moment Full post C-Sub
Shiroi Kyoto ep10 (1978)
Kawa, itsuka umi e ep1
Soko Ga Shiritai "Package Tours"
kougen e irasshai ep3
--- groink
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Joined: 31 Aug 2004 Posts: 17 Location: United States Country:   |
Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 10:35 pm Post subject: Kanno Miho |
Please repost Where Is Love? eps 1-4, 6
New post req: anything with Kanno Miho and English subs
TIA _________________ "For me, music and life are all about style."
Miles Davis
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Joined: 19 Jul 2003 Posts: 2200 Location: United States Country:   |
Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 11:54 pm Post subject: Re: Kanno Miho |
MilesAhead wrote: | Please repost Where Is Love? eps 1-4, 6
New post req: anything with Kanno Miho and English subs
I think there's a dvd-rip of Where is love (Koi ga Shitai) ep1-5 posted on d-addicts. _________________
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Joined: 31 Aug 2004 Posts: 17 Location: United States Country:   |
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Joined: 01 Jan 1970 Posts: 1223
Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 3:03 am Post subject: Re: Kanno Miho |
MilesAhead wrote: | Please repost Where Is Love? eps 1-4, 6
New post req: anything with Kanno Miho and English subs |
Did you also make a request on the a.b.m.japanese and japanese.reposts newsgroups? Just checking to make sure people like ap and techie will see the request.
--- groink
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Joined: 31 Aug 2004 Posts: 17 Location: United States Country:   |
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Joined: 01 Jan 1970 Posts: 1223
Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 5:21 pm Post subject: |
I'm not sure if the following is common knowledge or not... If it is, someone please lift that damn rock off of me.
I came across a really great resource on Usenet newsgroups:
Runs very much like JDorama.com. Just another messageboard, but specializing in newsgroup-specific topics like encoding/decoding of posts, posting binaries, newsgroup netiquitte, and much more. Though this messageboard is geared specifically to alt.binaries.multimedia.anime, the content can be geared to just about any other binaries newsgroup.
--- groink
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Joined: 31 Aug 2004 Posts: 17 Location: United States Country:   |
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Joined: 22 Dec 2002 Posts: 395 Location: United States Country:   |
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Joined: 11 Mar 2005 Posts: 1 Location: New York Country:   |
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Joined: 14 Dec 2001 Posts: 1837 Location: United States Country:   |
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Joined: 14 Dec 2001 Posts: 1837 Location: United States Country:   |
Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 3:35 pm Post subject: |
KouSeiya315 wrote: | This is a longshot, but could someone repost Investigator Mariko 5 ep 9 (the final ep) posted by Snoopy last week? Easynews only had 2 par files and nothing else so I had no way to get even broken files that might be able to be recovered. TIA! |
Strike that request, I got it under a different listing by a different poster.
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Joined: 31 Aug 2004 Posts: 17 Location: United States Country:   |
Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2006 1:02 am Post subject: Queen's Classroom |
Would someone please repost episodes 1, 10, 11 of the English Subbed
Queen's Classroom .avi set to alt.binaries.multimedia.japanese.repost??
TIA _________________ "For me, music and life are all about style."
Miles Davis
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Joined: 13 Oct 2004 Posts: 8550 Location: California Country:   |
Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2006 1:51 am Post subject: |
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Joined: 24 Jun 2002 Posts: 4009 Location: East Coast, US Country:   |
Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2006 1:53 am Post subject: |
dochira wrote: | MilesAhead wrote: | Would someone please repost episodes 1, 10, 11 of the English Subbed
Queen's Classroom .avi set to alt.binaries.multimedia.japanese.repost??
TIA | Requests to newsgroups belong here:
Sticky: Usenet Newsgroups - New Post and Repost Requests
Responses will be likely be in that thread as this will eventually be placed there. | Merged. Thx doch! _________________
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