UPDATED ON 18 September 2004
This thread is to keep updated on the pending features that would be added to the website. Everyone, please feel free to add suggestions here. Mods, you may add items to this list!! (just append your name to the respective items u add)
1) Display in drama details: number of users who watched it, number of users who bought it, average rating, and total number of votes.
2) Artiste and drama ratings by category (drama genre, artiste main/supporting role)
3) Better search system (search within topic only, search memberslist, etc)
4) More optional displayed personal user-info, like birthday, male/female, etc.
5) Custom set of emoticons in main display
6) More detailed "My Dramas" section (for sale and trades)
1) Chatroom (not worth the server resources, no history log for future reference)
2) Section about Japan - maybe have that setup in a sticky thread?
3) User ranks - not really useful and we rather have all users to be equal as much as possible.
1) Voting system and top 50 dramas and artistes
2) Smiley codes below each smiley (to copy and paste)
3) Search box in page header
4) Buttons in artiste/drama pages to add to "Votes" and "My Dramas"
5) Search function for theme songs+singers, lyrics, synopsis, cast names.
6) Japanese - English dictionary (supports Shift-JIS and Romaji)
7) Listing of dramas by year/season and tv station.
8) Flash music - they were from the old JDorama.com, but some people still miss it. Will try to bring them back as an option for visitors. (see
9) External avatar sizes now have fixed display width regardless of original size. Curbs nutheads with ridiculously huge avatars, but sorry to those with smaller ones.. they get blown up bigger and often uglier.
10) Latest posts titles stated in full in the window status bar (at bottom of screen) when mouse moves over the link.
11) "Read before posting" sticky posts in each forum regarding house rules.
12) Inbox size raised to 100!!!
13) National flags for everyone! Little pics added to represent the country you're from.
14) Function to edit/delete own review for the dramas
15) Signature sizes curbed! If they're any darn bigger than 500 pixels in width, it'll be cropped within a scrolly window.
16) Updated some graphics and buttons on the site to Cobalt2.
17) For moderators - function to merge topics!!
18) Google-powered search included in search page!
19) Extended dictionary search to Proper Names, Scientific Terms and Computing Terms.
20) Better navigation for super-long-many-paged-threads -> Added a drop-down list of page numbers for quicker navigation.

@_@ <--- webmaster?