Orthros no Inu [オルトロスの犬] My thots on Orthros no Inu [Rating: 8/10] I actually liked this drama overall. I first read about it on the internet and the plot caught my eye. Interesting storyline but I felt there was not enough development in the relationship between the 2 lead roles - Shinji and Ryousuke.
I started out thinking that Shinji was a manipulative bad guy but ended up feeling sorry for him. He had led such a lonely life. I thought that Takizawa was really cool as the 'bad' guy and felt Nishikido didn't really express himself that well.
As for Hasebe's and Shinji's relationship, I was pretty confused what direction it was taking. At some points in the show, I thought she was beginning to understand him and that she was starting to feel something for him. As for Shinji, I thought he was beginning to open up to her. However it seemed to stop short at anything.
As for the story end, did Shinji and Ryosuke maintain their brotherly ties? I hated the part where they seemed to miss each other and walked in separate directions. Whats that all about??!
Overall I will still watch it again.