Byakuyakou [白夜行] Rating: 10/10 (Watched) Rare and Great Drama! Taught me a lot!
Chitose_valiya's drama reviews (1)
Byakuyakou [白夜行] Rare and Great drama! [Rating: 10/10] If someone ask me: "Will You watch it again?", I will answer: "Yes, of course!!!", but if someone ask me: "Shall I watch It?", I will answer: "No, I won't recommend It!". It taught me a lot, even thought It's full of inhuman things. An intriguing and unexpected plot, a lot of deep meaning about love and life and great acting from Yamada Takayuki, even if It's a drama that made me feel really depressed, It won't change the fact that It's one of the greatest drama I ever have seen!