Joined: 26 Mar 2004 Posts: 7
Posted: Wed May 19, 2004 7:02 am Post subject: |
ahochaude wrote: |
Excuse e mua. Esker zher per partier silvu plea madam?!
I bet I didn't even spell that correctly!
Just something I learned in second grade in French class!  |
I had to read it twice, decrypt it thrice but I'll only re-write it once:
Excusez-moi. Est-ce je peux partir s'il vous pla?t madame?!
Apparently you were in a hurry to leave the French classroom
And to stay on topic, yes there are Japanese people in France and I found a culture exchange group in Lyon.
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Joined: 09 Feb 2003 Posts: 117 Location: Singapore Country:   |
Posted: Thu May 20, 2004 9:42 pm Post subject: Re: Thanx!! |
niko2x wrote: | BTW, you do know dropload.com, right? Just register, and you should be good to go. let me know if you have any trouble. I'll get it sttarted now. |
hey.. thanx.. maybe i should go and try it... thanx..
Bonjour Helene! nice meeting you.. i think you are the first french i know who likes japonais.. and if you have read my previous thread.. pardon.. mon francais n'est pas parfait.. il y a beaucoup grammaire error...
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Joined: 10 May 2003 Posts: 564 Location: belgium Country:   |
Posted: Fri May 21, 2004 10:56 pm Post subject: |
Helene wrote: |
J'habite pr�s de St-Etienne ... y'a rien de bien interessant dans cette ville ! |
c'est vrai?moi j'y suis déjà allée,je pense trois ans passée....
ma mère aime des villes comme ça,typiquement français
helene,si tu veux rencontrer des gens japonais,tu devrais aller aux grands monuments français Il y en a beaucoup!!trop beaucoup même!
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Joined: 29 Apr 2004 Posts: 622 Location: France Country:   |
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Joined: 24 Jun 2002 Posts: 4009 Location: East Coast, US Country:   |
Posted: Mon May 24, 2004 6:29 pm Post subject: |
ahochaude wrote: | Wow! I had no idea Niko could speak (more or less type and read) French. Sugoi jyan! | how else are you gonna be mackin' on the F-chick? Actually, i've lost a lot of french since trying to pick up the JP language...  _________________
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Joined: 09 Feb 2003 Posts: 117 Location: Singapore Country:   |
Posted: Mon May 24, 2004 7:23 pm Post subject: |
niko2x wrote: | how else are you gonna be mackin' on the F-chick? Actually, i've lost a lot of french since trying to pick up the JP language...  |
ha.. moi aussi.. i have stop French just to have enough money to continue my japanese.. hiaz..
still thinking to re-take the lessons soon. have lost like 70% of the French, especially my basic is not good...
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Joined: 26 Mar 2004 Posts: 7
Posted: Wed May 26, 2004 6:40 am Post subject: French lessons to mack the F-chicks? |
cass_dust wrote: |
ha.. moi aussi.. i have stop French just to have enough money to continue my japanese.. hiaz..
still thinking to re-take the lessons soon. have lost like 70% of the French, especially my basic is not good... |
I guess Helene and I could give you guys some catch-up lessons maybe in another forum, this one is starting to get crowded
Anything goods you have to tell me on Manami-chan would be appreciated in exchange, Cass << kanojo wa watashi no konomi da yo.
*Niko, repeat after me, chick is "poule" (poole) in French but don't use that on them
**Helene, regarde dans tes vieux messages ici, je suis sur que je t'ai laiss? les coordonn?es du groupe sur Lyon.
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Joined: 29 Apr 2004 Posts: 622 Location: France Country:   |
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Joined: 24 Jun 2002 Posts: 4009 Location: East Coast, US Country:   |
Posted: Thu May 27, 2004 2:36 am Post subject: Re: French lessons to mack the F-chicks? |
Saiki wrote: | I guess Helene and I could give you guys some catch-up lessons maybe in another forum, this one is starting to get crowded
*Niko, repeat after me, chick is "poule" (poole) in French but don't use that on them  | saiki -- je devine la "poule" est un mot derogitory, non? est-il vrai qu'Europeens regardent vers le bas sur des Asiatiques ? _________________
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Joined: 09 Feb 2003 Posts: 117 Location: Singapore Country:   |
Posted: Sat May 29, 2004 1:44 pm Post subject: Re: French lessons to mack the F-chicks? |
Saiki wrote: |
I guess Helene and I could give you guys some catch-up lessons maybe in another forum, this one is starting to get crowded
Anything goods you have to tell me on Manami-chan would be appreciated in exchange, Cass << kanojo wa watashi no konomi da yo.
*Niko, repeat after me, chick is "poule" (poole) in French but don't use that on them
**Helene, regarde dans tes vieux messages ici, je suis sur que je t'ai laiss? les coordonn?es du groupe sur Lyon. |
Hi Saiki! Thanx for voting! I already saw you as the latest vote for manami-chan! merci beaucoup! saiki wa nihongo hanasemasuka?
hohoho.. i have contributed a lot of information under Manami san's thread.. you can get her CMs here:
Yes.. maybe you can start a thread to teach French here!
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Joined: 29 Apr 2004 Posts: 622 Location: France Country:   |
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Joined: 15 Jan 2004 Posts: 886
Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 1:50 am Post subject: |
Helene wrote: | Hi everyone !
Do you know how I can find Japanese internet pals ? I'd like to have the chance to correspond with Japanese people to learn more about the culture and language . Any suggestions are welcome !  |
http://jap.com/ _________________
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Joined: 26 Mar 2004 Posts: 7
Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 4:31 pm Post subject: ji |
cass_dust wrote: |
Hi Saiki! Thanx for voting! I already saw you as the latest vote for manami-chan! merci beaucoup! saiki wa nihongo hanasemasuka?
Yes.. maybe you can start a thread to teach French here!  |
De rien!
Actually it's "...nihongo (w)o hanasemasuka?" but in actual speech the "-go wo" combination is pretty hard to catch
Thanks for the CM links! (Sugoi otonappoi mitai nante Manami-chan!)
As for finding pen pals Helene, a quick google gives you lots of choice:
If I were you I'd rather look for a pen pal of your gender, boys tend to be a little 'sukebe' (obsede de la chose) when it comes to foreigners
No French lesson here! Unless the site name changes to F-drama
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Joined: 24 Jun 2002 Posts: 4009 Location: East Coast, US Country:   |
Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 11:54 am Post subject: |
Helene wrote: | Hi everyone !
Do you know how I can find Japanese internet pals ? I'd like to have the chance to correspond with Japanese people to learn more about the culture and language . Any suggestions are welcome !  | a little late but try this...
http://beta.crisscross.com/ _________________
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Joined: 20 Apr 2006 Posts: 14 Location: Quebec Country:   |
Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 12:20 pm Post subject: Re: Japanese and French... |
I know it's old but...
cass_dust wrote: | are there any non-japanese and non-french who likes both the japanese & french culture at the same time?  |
Moi !!! ^^
O.k. C'est vrai que je parle francais, mais je suis quebecoise pas francaise et j'aime la France depuis l'age de 9 ou 10 ans (je vais avoir 19 ans dans moins d'un mois)
La France etait mon pays prefere avant que je ne commence a aimer le Japon. Aujourd'hui le Japon est le premier sur ma liste des pays a visiter, mais la France est numero 2 ^^
Ma mere est incapable d'ecouter un film francais (oui, vous dites que nous avons un accent, mais ca va dans les deux sens ca ^^'), mais moi j'aime bien les films francais. Est-ce qu'il y a des films quebecois qui ont franchi l'ocean jusqu'en France ?! Je ne sais pas, mais ca m'etonnerais, parce que l'industrie cinematographique en est encore a ses debuts ici.
De toute facon, je suis certaine que pas meme le quart de la planete sait qu'il y a une province ou les gens parlent majoritairement francais au Canada T-T La triste verite... J'ai deja correspondu avec un chinois et je pense qu'il n'arrivait pas a comprendre que je puisse parler francais comme langue maternelle, mais ne pas etre nee en France =\
X-x Should I have posted that in english ?!
Nan... It will make all of you practice ;P _________________
Currently watching :
Sapuri, Taiyou no Uta, akihabara@DEEP
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Joined: 13 Apr 2007 Posts: 12123 Location: It was fun while it lasted. Country:   |
Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2022 7:29 pm Post subject: |
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