I'm cleaning out my discs and have thrown away incomplete series and am getting rid of anything I feel I won't rewatch or don't want to bother to start watching. The following are complete series in DATA format and it'd be a shame to just throw them away without checking to see if anyone wants them.

All prices include shipping in the US.

I prefer payment by Paypal, but will also accept money orders if necessary.
$45 for everything local pick-up
90 cdrs
10 vcds retail
6 vhs
9 dvdrs
=17 complete drama series plus misc & 15 complete movies
-Thousand Years of Love ep 1-20 (LQ softsubs) on 3 cdrw - got this from distro but softsubs don't sync w/ LQ vid files - $2
-Romance ep 1-22 (jem hardsubs) on 2dvdrs - $4
-Attic Cat ep 1-16 (MQ softsubs) on 8cdrs - $5
-Kimi ga Oshiete Kureta Koto ep 1-12 (JPN Productions hardsubs) on 6 VHS - $18 ($12 for local pickup Bay Area CA)
-Strawberry on the Shortcake (
original import vcd boxset eng/chi subs ) ep 1-10 on 8 vcds -$8
-Star no Koi ep 1-11 (hardsubbed) on 6cdrs -$4
-Yasha ep 1-11 + OST + misc vids on 11cdrs - $6
-Wedding Planner ep 1-11 (jem hardsubs - except ep 8 softsub) on 6cdrs - $4
-Otousan ep 1-11 (kiku hardsubs) + Koori no Sekai ep 1-11 (mpeg hardsub ripped from vcd) + misc CM, PV, etc on 13cdrs - $7
-Family Values ep 1-5
http://jdorama.com/drama.416.htm (kiku hardsubs) +
Renai Hensachi STORY 1 (hardsubs) ep 1-4 + Tokyo Wankei (hardsubs) ep 1-11 + Sushi to Saidan ep 1-4 (raw), misc Music Station clips, PVs, etc on 12 cdrs - $7
-Loved to Love ep 1-10
http://jdorama.com/drama.764.htm (kiku hardsubs) + misc mp3, JTV, CMs, Good Luck NG, Imouto yo ep 1, nihongo de kurasou ep 3, etc on 10cdrs - $6
-Suna no Utsuwa ep 1-11 (soft-subs) on 2dvdr - $5
-Gokusen 2 ep 1-10 (softsubs) + Moto Kare ep 1-10 (hardsubs) + Love Revolution ep 1-5, Tiger & Dragon 7-11 on 3dvdr +1 cdr - $5
-Kou Kou Kyoushi 2003 - ep 1-11 (hardsubs) + misc on 3cdrs + 1dvd -$4
Movies (eng subs)
-Kono mune ippai no ai wo (heartful of love) - starring mimura /ito hideaki
-retail VCD W/ ENG/CHI subtitles - 2 discs - $4
JPN April Story (1 cdr)
JPN Postman's Blues (2cdrs)
KRN Love In Magic (1cdr)
KRN My Boyfriend is Type B (1 cdr)
KRN Once Upon A Time in High School (1 cdr)
JPN Collage of Our Life (2cdrs)
KRN Romantic Comedy AKA A Perfect Match (1cdr)
KRN My Old Sweetheart (1cdr)
KRN If the Sun Rises in the West (1cdr)
JPN Thirty Lies or So (1cdr)
KRN Saving My Hubby (1cdr)
KRN Il Mare (2cdr-mpg)
KRN The Big Swindle (1cdr)
KRN A Bittersweet Life (1cdr)
- $9 for all
or $12 for ALL MOVIES incl 1 retails VCD