In 1921, a young Miyazawa Kenji (Suzuki Ryohei) stormed out of his wealthy family and ran away to Tokyo. In the eight months that he lived in Tokyo as he made a living for himself, his mind never left his beloved younger sister Toshi (Ishibashi Anna). One day at the end of summer, he gets an unexpected telegram, “Toshi is sick. Come back immediately.” Kenji returns home in great haste to find a seemingly healthy Toshi waiting for him. He had been thoroughly deceived by this scheme of his father Masajiro (Hirata Mitsuru) who was worried about him. Kenji has not been able to find something to be passionate about. But he begins to realise that his own ideal is to share happiness after he makes the croquette that he had tasted in Tokyo by hand and shares it with his family. This is communicated through his representative work. And in accordance to Toshi’s wish, he makes the decision to take a position as a teacher at the Hienu (now known as Hanamaki) Agricultural School which has just been established.