This story revolves around a temp secretary named Kagami Yu, who has no luck with finding a boyfriend. However, her true strength is her sense of justice. She faces off against various problems, such as the sexual harassment caused by her male co-workers and the incompetence of her company's president, who values his mistress more than the company.
!!WARNING!! The review section may contain spoilers! Please understand that you may find out about this drama's endings and plots!
Hisho No Kagami wa Onna no Kagami [Rating: 5/10] If you watch NHK world you'll probably know Megumi Yasu from Science Zero.Megumi Yasu plays Kagami Yu, a sort of super temp secretary with Jean Claude Vandamme type high kicking skills but suffers from bad luck in the romance department. Unknown to herself, She is employed by the Japanese government to investigate the murky going-ons in the Japanese business world.
This comedy was originally broadcast in the midnight slot so there's a little fan service, if you're a teenage boy you'll probably appreciate this.